Chapter Twenty

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

"Well, I think I'm going to head to bed now. As much as I would like to watch more TV, I need my precious sleep." I said, after yawning.

"Okay. Night." Gladion said.

I smiled, before standing up, and heading to my room.

Once I made it to my room, the realization hit me.

.. I have a hot guy living in my house...


That brings up another topic. Do I like Gladion any more than a friend? I mean, I find her handsome and all, but do I like him? Like 'like, like' him?

... Well... He sure can be a jerk sometimes... But, he can also be sweet.

I think it's a bit early to come to the conclusion that I'm in love. How about we wait until tomorrow to decide? I'll have all of tomorrow to think about it. Until then... Let's get some well-deserved rest.

-Gladion's P.O.V-

After (y/n) left, I decided to do some serious thinking.

Now that (y/n)'s my friend and all, and that I'm living with her... How will this affect my work with Team Skull? I'm guessing that Mrs. (y/l/n) won't make me pay rest or anything, so that saves quite a bit of money. But... Will I still be able to work for Team Skull? If I can't earn any income, there's no way I'll be able to save Lillie from her evil clutches.

"Gladion, you're still up?"

This statement startled me, and brought me back to reality.

I turned my head, to see Mrs. (y/l/n), looking very worried.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Did I startle you?" Mrs. (y/l/n) asked.

"Don't worry about it." I said.

"Okay. Mind if I talk with you for a moment?" Mrs. (y/l/n) asked.

"Sure." I said.

Mrs. (y/l/n) then sat down next to me on the couch.

"Gladion, I know that I've only just met you recently and all... But, I feel like I can trust you with this task." Mrs. (y/l/n) said.

"What task?" I curiously asked.

"The task of protecting (y/n)." Mrs. (y/l/n) stated.

This confused me. Why would she...?

"I see that you're confused. Just let me explain. (y/n) has had a rough childhood, since she never had any friends. After what happened with her father, she lost all confidence in herself, and I have been working ever since then to help her build her confidence. She's always thought badly of herself. But... Ever since she met you, she's been smiling more, and acting more positive. I don't want that to go away. So, I'm asking you to protect (y/n), and her wonderful smile. A mother can only do so much for their child. They eventually grow up, and no longer listen to their mothers. Will you... Please take care of my daughter?" Mrs. (y/l/n) said, as tears came to her eyes.

Wow... (y/n)'s mother really cares for her...

A caring mother... Something I used to have...

Well, do I really have a choice in the matter? As much as I hate to admit it, (y/n)'s my friend. Plus, if I want to continue to have a free-living place, I need to keep Mrs. (y/l/n) happy.

"Sure. I guess I can do that." I said.

Mrs. (y/n)'s face instantly lit up.

"Really? Thank you!" Mrs. (y/n) said, before puling me in for a bone-crushing hug.

"Can't... BREATHE!" I exclaimed.

Mrs. (y/l/n) instantly pulled away.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Well, I must be heading to bed now. I can't be late for work tomorrow." Mrs. (y/l/n) said, before standing up, and leaving.

I then looked at my phone, to see that it was 10:37pm.

... It isn't that late. Might as well watch some things to pass the time.

... Let's just make sure to keep the volume down...

Lonely Love: Gladion X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now