Chapter Eighteen

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

Unlike most Saturday's, I didn't sleep in. Instead, I was out the door by eight, with some boxes, to help Gladion pack all his things. I don't know how many things he has, but I'd rather have extra, than less.

Though, after a while... I realized that I had no idea where Gladion lived, or any way to contact him.

Just as I was about to sigh in defeat, I saw Gladion walking around. Excited, I ran up to him.

"Hello." I happily greeted Gladion.

Gladion looked at me, and didn't frown. But, he didn't smile either.

... I guess we're making progress...?

"Good morning." Gladion said.

"Good morning to you too. What're you doing out so early?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same question." Gladion said.

"Good point. I was trying to find your place, so I could help you pack anything that there was left to pack. And what about you?" I asked.

"Just taking a morning walk." Gladion said.

"Okay. Question; can I have your phone number? I wanted to ask for your address earlier, but didn't have a way to contact you." I explained.

"Sure." Gladion said.

"Great." I said, while pulling out my phone, and handing it to him. "Just put the number in."

Gladion nodded, before entering his phone number, and putting his name for the contact name. He then handed me my phone.

"Thanks. Let me contact you, so you know it's me." I said, before quickly sending a 'hi' text.

Gladion then pulled out his phone, and saved my number to his phone.

"So, shall we go to your place, so that we can start packing stuff?" I suggested.

"Sure. But most of my stuff is already packed, just so you know." Gladion said.

"Understood. Lead the way!" I jokingly exclaimed.

Gladion nodded, before leading me to his place.


"So, this is where you live?" I questioned.

"Yep. It's not much, but it's home." Gladion said, as he sat down.

Wow... This place's SMALL!

"But not for much longer." I reminded.

Gladion didn't say anything, as he started to put something that wasn't' in a box into a box.

"You going to help?" Gladion questioned.

"Right, sorry!" I exclaimed, before helping Gladion pack the rest of his things... Which wasn't much.

It only took about 20 minutes to pack everything.

"Is your mom coming?" Gladion inquired.

"Why would she be coming?" I asked.

"... So that she can drive my stuff to your place...?" Gladion said.

... I'm such an idiot!

"Uh, let me call her" I said, as I pulled out my phone.

I then called my mother.

...Come on... Pick up...

"Hello?" I heard my mother's tired voice say.

"Hey mom. Can you come to the apartment building near our home?" I asked.

"Why?" My mom asked.

"So that we can take Gladion's things to our place without killing our backs." I explained.

"Oh... OH!" I heard my mother shout, as well as falling out of bed.

... Something she does quite frequently...

"Be there in 30 minutes. Don't do anything dirty before I get there." My mother said, before hanging up.


"He's not my boyfriend! And I didn't have any intention to do anything dirty!" I shouted at my phone, before putting it in my pocket.

I then froze, after remembering that Gladion was in the same room as I...

... Kill me now...

"Mothers, right? Always teasing you and stuff..." My voice trailed off.

"Sure... until your mom gets here, mind explaining what's going on with your dad? You told me that you'd tell me today." Gladion said.

"Yeah. Well..." My voice trailed off.

"... This is the story..."

Lonely Love: Gladion X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now