Chapter Thirty-Eight

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-Gladion's P.O.V-

... Yay... One noisy vehicle to the next...

Well, at least on this boat, we can move around, and talk with more people then who we happened to sit with.

As I was walking around, and looking for (y/n), I eventually found her... Talking with a boy I faintly recognizes from one of my classes.

.. I believe his name's Hau...

I'm not sure why, but I hate seeing him talking with (y/n).

... Am I getting jealous...?

... Eh, who cares the reason, or whether or not I'm jealous, let's just go end that conversation now.

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

"So, are you new to town?" Hau asked.

"No, actually. I've live here for a long time." I replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry! It' just I've never seen you before and-"

"It's fine." I said.

Hau then smiled, after sighing in relief.

"So, who's this?" I heard Gladion ask.

I turned my head, to see Gladion with a... Negative look on his face... Almost... Aggressive? Angry?

"Oh, this is Hau. Hau, meet Gladion, my friend." I said.

"Nice to meet you, Gladion." Hau politely said.

"Yeah, whatever." Gladion said, while rolling his eyes.

... What's Gladion's deal!?

"Well... Would you like to join us?" I politely asked.

"Sure." Gladion said, before sitting next to me.

And then... The awkward silence...

... Thanks a lot, Gladion!


A few hours later, we finally arrived at Akala island.

"Alright, listen up! We are going to split up into two groups, which will then split themselves into three smaller groups. So, we will have a total of six groups. Three groups will study the sea, while the other three studies the volcano. Tomorrow, we will switch. And no, you don't get to pick your groups." Our teacher explained.

Most people were disappointed with that.

"We will now call out your groups, so listen carefully." The teacher said, before calling out group one.

Gladion and I became separated once again, as he was put in group one, and I in group two. But, on the bright side, Hau was also put in group two, in my specific smaller group.

"Let's go on an adventure!" Hau exclaimed.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Hau's just too funny.


For the next while, we just explored the volcano... A wonderful sight to behold.

And during that day, it seemed like Hau and I became incredibly close.

Soon, it was time for dinner. We all headed to a restaurant, known for yummy soups.

"Hello! My name's Mallow. What can I do for you today?" Mallow asked.

"... (Favorite soups), please." I said.

Mallow nodded, before moving onto the next student.

At my table sat Gladion, Hau, and some other random students. Luckily for me, no Team Skull members were at my table.

After a while of talking with Hau, Gladion tapped me on the shoulder.

"Can I talk with you... Outside?" Gladion asked.

"Sure... I guess...?" I said, before standing up, and leaving with Gladion.

Once we were outside, I exploded.

"What's your problem!? Ever since I met Hau, you've been nothing but harsh and cold!" I shouted.

"My problem!? You're the one who has completely abandoned me! It's as if you're under a spell or something!" Gladion shouted back.

"Am I not allowed to have other friends?" I inquired.

Gladion couldn't respond to that.

"Fine, whatever. Just ignore the one's who really care for you..." Gladion said, before walking away.

... Sigh... Boys can be so annoying sometimes...

I then headed inside, where I continued to talk with Hau.

Though, after a while, it seemed to be like Hau was getting annoyed with me. So, being the noisy person I am, I asked him about it.

"Hau, are you okay? You seemed annoyed. Is something bothering you?" I asked.

"Yes, there is something wrong. You. You're what's bothering me. Look, you're a nice girl, but I just don't want to hang out with you, okay? Can you not see that? Were you so blind as to think I'd actually like you. I know what you are; everyone in the school knows it, so stop trying to fool me." Hau said, before walking off.

... I... Why... Am I really...

... Why am I always the one people pick on...?

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