Chapter Twenty-Four

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

I opened my eyes, to find myself on a beach. This is the place where I wanted to show Gladion.

... The secret ocean...

But how'd I get here? Last thing I remember...

"You're finally awake." I heard Gladion say.

I turned, to find Gladion sitting next to me.

I quickly sat up, only to find a sharp pain in my leg.

"You shouldn't move so fast. You're hurt." Gladion said.

I then looked down, to see a bandage made from torn cloth.

I then looked at Gladion, to see that a part of his clothes was torn off.

"Thank you... For the bandage..." I said.

"I believe I should be thanking you. You saved my life." Gladion said.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did I get out of there?" I asked.

"Well, after getting air, I dove back after you." Gladion said.

... He... Came back for me...

"Question, is there any way to leave this area without swimming back through that underwater cave?" Gladion asked.

"Well, a boat could go the long way." I said.

"Do you have your phone on you?" Gladion asked.

"Yeah. I always do." I said, before puling out my in-perfect-shape phone.

"How'd it..." Gladion couldn't finish his question.

"My mom paid extra to make sure that this was completely water-proof." I explained.

"I see. Well, can you call someone?" Gladion asked.

"Sure." I said, before calling the island's rescue team.


"They'll be here in about 30 minutes." I explained, after finishing my phone call.

"Wow, some rescue team." Gladion sarcastically said.

"Well, it seems like we'll have some time to ourselves for a while. Anything you'd like to do?" I asked.

"Nah. I'd rather just relax." Gladion said.

"Works with me." I said.

So, for a few minutes, we just sat there. And for these few minutes, I thought about the thought that I had last night, about whether or not I like Gladion.

Yes, he can be a jerk. But... He's too sweet for me to not like him.

Ah... It feels so nice to have a crush on someone again. The feeling put butterflies in my stomach. And the feeling that everything will go my way...

... It's a wonderful feeling...

-Gladion's P.O.V-

For 30 minutes, we sat in silence, until the boat arrived.

"Are you two alright?!" A person said, as he exited the boat, and ran up to the two of us.

"Yeah, we're fine." I said.

"What a relief. Let's get you back to the station, where we can call your parents." The man said, before pulling out two life-jackets for the two of us.

After putting them on, we stood up. But, as we were standing up, I heard (y/n) groan.

"Are you okay?" The man asked.

"My leg... It was bitten by a fish..." (y/n) explained.

"I see. I'll make sure to have medical assistance ready at the station." The man said.

"Here, I'll carry you." I said, before picking (y/n) up.

"You don't have to-"

I cut (y/n) off by saying, "Nonsense. You're hurt. Let me help you."

(y/n) was silent after that.

The man then helped the two of us onto the boat, and we were taken back to the hospital.

"Gladion, I'm sorry. It's all of my fault that we're in this mess." (y/n) said, avoiding eye contact.

"(y/n), you don't need to apologize. It's fine." I said.

(y/n) nodded, before closing her eyes.

Well, today's been more exciting than I thought. Maybe too exciting.

Perhaps I should follow (y/n)'s example, and rest.

Andso, I closed my eyes, and fell into a deep slumber. 

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