Chapter Thirty

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-Gladion's P.O.V-

School's finally over, and (y/n)'s still as depressed as earlier.

... Maybe I should buy her a present or something...

... But what?

As (y/n) exited the school's front doors, I made up my mind.

I'm going to buy (y/n) a gift.

"You ready to go?" (y/n) quietly asked.

"Actually, I need to go do something. Can you make it home on your own?" I asked.

"Sure... I guess..." (y/n) whispered, before hobbling away.

Poor thing.

Once (y/n) was out of sight, I started walking towards the shopping district of MeleMele island.

Walking around, I couldn't seem to find anything that could work.

Clothes... Perfume...

No! This just won't work!

"Hey. How're you doing? Looking for something?" I heard a salesman say.

"Yeah. Looking for a gift for my depressed friend." I explained.

"I see. Well, I have something that my do the trick." The salesman said, before pulling out a weird cupcake... Thing?

"What is it?" I skeptically asked.

"Slurpuff poke-puffs. You see, my daughter's a real big fan of Pokémon, and she wanted me to recreate this Kalos treat. Here, have a free sample." The man explained, before handing me a tiny poke-puff.

I hesitantly took it, and bit into it.

... And it was heavenly.

This is just what (y/n) needs!

"How much for two dozen?" I inquired.

"Two dozen!? Wow, your friend must really be down. Or, just really love sweets. Either way, it'll be on the house." The man said, before putting two dozen into a container, and handing it to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Absolutely. Now you go comfort that friend of yours!" The man said.

I nodded, before running off back to (y/n)'s.

I'm determined to make (y/n) feel better... Like a lovesick puppy... Yuck!

Lonely Love: Gladion X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now