Chapter Twenty-Five

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

My eyes opened, to find myself in a hospital bed.

"How did I get here?" I called out, hoping someone would answer me.

"You were taken here by the rescue team." I heard Gladion say.

I looked around, to find Gladion in a chair next to my bed.

"I see. Is my mom here?" I inquired.

"Yes. She's talking with the doctor as we speak." Gladion explained.

"Oh, okay." I said.

We then heard the door open. We turned our heads, to see Mom and a doctor.

"(y/n), you're awake!" Mom said, before pulling me in for a soft hug.

"Yeah, I'm-"

Mom cut me off by saying, "No more going to that secret ocean! UNDERSTAND?!"

"Yes." I said.

"Good." Mom said.

"Doctor, what's my situation?" I asked.

"Luckily, your leg didn't acquire too many injuries. But, your leg will need to be in a cast for two weeks, just to make sure your leg fully recovers." The doctor explained.

"Will I be in a wheelchair, or crutches?" I asked.

"Crutches. Your injuries were in the hard part of your leg, hence there being no need for a wheelchair." The doctor explained.

"Okay." I said.

"You can leave tonight, if you wish. All the necessary operations have already been finished." The doctor said.

"Okay." I said.

The doctor then left.

"(y/n), you should try to get some rest." Mom said.

"Okay." I said, not feeling like arguing.

Gladion then dimmed the lights, and pulled out his phone, to play classical music.

Slowly, my eyes drooped, and I fell into a peaceful slumber.

Lonely Love: Gladion X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now