Chapter Fourteen

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

Man.... I don't feel like getting up today. But, I must... Sigh...


"Bye mom!" I said, as I opened the front door to the house.

"Have a good day with your boyfriend, (y/n)!" My mother said, making me nearly choke on my malasada.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I yelled, before closing the door from behind me.

I don't even have feelings for Gladion... Right? How could he possibly be my boyfriend, if I don't ever like him? It's impossible!


After arriving at school, I headed straight to my locker.

Luckily for me, Team Skull never showed up to annoy or bother me. Today might actually be a good day.

Once I was finished at my locker, I headed to the girl's locker room, to get changed.

When I arrived at my gym locker, I got changed, and headed into the gym for my warm-up walk.

I quickly spotted Gladion, and walked up to him.

"Hello." I greeted, with a smile.

"Hey." Gladion said.

"Mind if I walk with you?" I asked.

"Can I really stop you?" Gladion questioned.

"Guess not." I said with a laugh.

It feels so nice to have a friend.

"So, have you thought about staying with me at my place yet?" I asked.

"Yes, I have." Gladion responded.

"And...? Have you come up with your final decision?" I noisily asked.

"Yes." Gladion said.

"Well....? What's your final answer...?" I curiously asked.

"I'll tell you at lunch. Meet me where we ate lunch yesterday." Gladion said.

What? He's going to make me wait? No fair!

"But I want to know now!" I childishly whined.

"Too bad. Guess you'll just have to be patient." Gladion teasingly said.

The music then started, and Gladion quickly left me behind.

... I wish that he'd wait for me!...


During gym class, Gladion continued to tease me with his knowing whether or not he wants to stay with me. The suspense is killing me!

"See you at lunch, (y/n)." Gladion said, before leaving to the boy's locker room.

Man... Now I really will have to wait...

.. Just great...

-Gladion's P.O.V-

It's hard for me to believe this, but I actually like hanging around (y/n) as a friend, and want to get to know her better. I must be coming down with some kind of illness or something. If I live and associate myself with (y/n), problems will arise.

... Sigh...

Well, I can't deny the chance of saving money, so let's get this over with; telling (y/n) that I'll be staying with her after all.

Lonely Love: Gladion X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now