Serious and Funny Chapter

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So, I don't know if this is only me, but sometimes I am just not hungry at all when it's dinner time. Aaaaand, since I'm overweight and curvy, my mom thinks I am "starving myself". LET ME GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT HERE WOMAN. I will not do such thing to my body to look "prettier" or all that other bullshit they stuff in our heads. And, I'm not only writing this because of what happened, but because I want to bring awareness to this. Most people will tell you that it's the stupidest thing, but they haven't been in your shoes. I know that being overweight or curvy can make you want to lose weight fast, I've been there. You have no idea how many times I've thought about starving myself, but every time I found strength to not go down that path. I want all of you beautiful people to understand that starving yourself won't make you prettier, but unhealthier. It will bring you to a point where you can't stop and it has become an addiction. I cannot stress it enough that doing such thing is terrible for yourself. It's OKAY to have these thoughts because it's part of the precess of accepting yourself. The only part is to not give in, be strong and confidently tell it to fuck off because your hips don't lie ;)

Well damnnnn what a chapter eh? But honestly, I have such a passion for this stuff and I care so much for people. :) Anyways, sorry for not updating in a long time *laughs nervously* But, school and stuff and just TOO MUCH GOING ON. Buuut, while taking a break of Wattpad, I was thinking of writing a book about......mua! Now I know what yr thinking, "why would a book about this potato be interesting" well, I don't know! I just want a book to be myself fully and just rant, talk, and all that jazz. What y'all think? Would ya read it? (Honestly I don't even know)

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