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“That was close,” Lawrence huffed as he paused to catch his breath.

“No stopping,” Harvey growled. “We have to keep moving, and fast! You can rest when you’re dead.”

“I regret that I have but one life to give for my company!”

Simultaneously, Harvey and Lawrence turned to Joe, who was rapidly gaining consciousness, eyes filled with fear.

“Joe!” Lawrence barked.  “Snap out of it. We’ve got to escape.”

“Who are you? Are you my enemy? I demand to speak with my supervisor! This is kidnapping!” Lawrence let go and Joe sank on the step, looking up in panicked confusion.

Harvey drew back his fist, but Lawrence held up a hand. “I don’t think hitting him again is going to help,” ventured Lawrence. “Besides, I don’t think I can carry him any more. If he can walk, this will be so much easier.”

“OK, but you’ve got to hang onto him tight. Last thing we need right now is a loose cannon.”

They watched together in the silence as Joe fidgeted. Finally, Lawrence had an epiphany.

“Sector Chief Noone?”                         

Joe glanced up timidly at Lawrence. “Y-yes?”

“Do you know who I am?”

Joe shook his head.

“Well you should. I am your new supervisor.”


Lawrence nodded. “I am Human Resources Liaison…Keane. Barry Keane. I have your assignment.”

Even in his delirium, Joe’s heart fluttered. “Mister Keane! VirCorp loyalty, VirCorp—

Lawrence shushed him. “Yes, yes. Enough of that. I need you to accompany us on a very special mission.”

Joe shot up, tried to salute, failed and nearly fell down the stairs. Lawrence held out a restraining arm and Joe leaned on him for support.

“Relax. I need you to be silent and follow this man’s lead,” Lawrence pointed to Harvey.

Joe whispered, “Yes. Who is he?”

Lawrence looked up at Harvey expectantly. Harvey squirmed, and then let it go with a sigh. “Sergeant Harvey, Corporate Police Division. We are tracking an important person for questioning and we need your help.”

“A VirCorp employee never sways from his duty, no matter how better the alternatives he is leaving behind!”

“Keep a lid on that, Sector Chief.” Harvey turned his back in disgust and began leading the coterie down the stairs.

Lawrence put an arm around Joe to steady him and put his best foot forward as they rejoined the beleaguered descent.

When they arrived at the bottom of the stairs, Lawrence reached for the door but Harvey slapped his hand down. “No, if any of those guys are worth their spit, they’ll be waiting for us. Game over.”

“But there’s nowhere else to go!”

“O ye of little faith! Hang on to him for a second.” Harvey let go and Joe collapsed into Lawrence. The sergeant disappeared behind the stairwell for a moment.

“Who?” asked Joe. “Who’s waiting for us?”

“Militants who are trying to stop our investigation.”

“Ah, baddies.” Joe nodded obsequiously.

“Lawrence, Noone, over here!” Harvey beckoned from the darkness. Dragging Joe along, Lawrence ventured under the stairs.

Harvey had moved some crates to reveal an open trap door.

“After you,” Harvey shined a light onto ladder rungs with his penlight.

“We’re going down there?” asked Joe nervously, his head swimming. “Gold star for the smart man. Please,” he gestured. “After you.”

“I…don’t like the dark.”

“Neither do I. But we have to go.”

Joe tried to pull away, but Lawrence held him tight. “What are you worried about? We’re both here. I’ll go first.” In a few seconds, Lawrence disappeared down the hole.

“Come on, get moving.” Harvey spoke in an agitated whisper. “We don’t have much time!” 

Finally, Joe nodded and began the downward climb, boots clanking sharply on the metal rungs, echoing hollowly through the building.

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