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Joe and Lawrence were led unfettered into the CEO’s inner sanctum. Hale urged them forward, remaining behind at the entrance. His work was done.

The air was replete with the clean goodness of life.  Marveling in the serene atmosphere, they were almost able to forget about their dire situation. Seeing the bodyguard with his knives, however, snapped them back to reality.

“Mister Noone, Mister Lawrence.” Bosak brushed past the assassin to welcome his guests. Thank you for coming. Don’t worry about Yamato-san; he’s just very protective.  Please come in have a seat.”

Lowering their heads to the CEO and the bodyguard, they entered and sat down. Bosak eased himself behind his desk and smiled as he leaned forward. His own fatigue notwithstanding, he figured the two men wanted a speedy resolution just as much as he did.

“I’m sure you are both bewildered and hurt by the events of the past week. For that I am sorry.  I want you to know that Oliver Falcon acted purely of his own accord. For that insubordination we have let him go.” He paused and smiled. “So, why are you here? Because I’d very much like to make this negative situation agreeable to you.”

Joe and Lawrence looked at each other.

“I can see that you were not expecting this sort of treatment. How does two million a piece sound?”

Joe blinked. Lawrence opened and closed his mouth. Joe broke the silence. “Sir, that sounds just…”

“Fine!” cried Lawrence.

“Excellent, excellent. Of course you understand that in exchange for this settlement you are both obligated never to mention anything about this to anyone. Ever. That includes speaking to any government agencies you may or may not have been working for.”

“We understand,” said Joe. “What about our friends?”

Bosak sighed and leaned back. “They will be dealt with.”

“You mean killed.”

“No. That was Falcon’s methodology, not mine. Al Jablonski will be returned to his handlers after we have a little chat about his activities. As for Sergeant Harvey, I don’t know yet. One must weigh his value to the organization against any wrongdoing he may have done.

“To ensure that neither of you is ever placed in a position where your knowledge of this affair may be compromised, I’ve looked over your respective records. It seems that you signed an open contract with Falcon regarding new employment overseas. Am I correct?”


"Still want those jobs?”

“Sure, I guess.”

“Excellent. You leave for Perth tomorrow morning. I’ve given you full use of my personal aircraft, VirCopter One. Now Mister Noone, if you would just please sign on the screen, here and here.”

“What am I signing?”

“The first is your consent to non-disclosure and the replication of your DNA, for which you will paid the two million dollars. The second signature is your assent to the terms of new employment.”

Joe shrugged. “No tricky business like last time?”

"Joe studied Bosak’s expression. It was exhausted, but conciliatory. “Well, OK.” He signed.

Bosak turned the screen to face Lawrence. “Mister Lawrence? The first signature here is your agreement to be paid two million for “services rendered” and your silence. The second, your assent to the terms of your new employment.”  Lawrence signed.

"Excellent gentlemen. The credits have just been transferred. Seeing as I’m a man of my word let me give you your copies of the contract.” Bosak tapped a few keys and printed out the copies, handing them to each. “For what it’s worth, I’m grateful for your persistence. Thanks to you, we’ve been able to plug the worst leak in the company’s history. Again, I’m sorry for the pain we’ve put you through. You’re tough hombres. I think you’ll be just what we need in Australia to set an example. You’ve got a bright new day ahead of you.”

“Thank you, Mister Bosak.” Joe nodded and got to his feet. “I have just one more question, sir. I—“

“Please, call me Hank. ”

“Hank. Where do we go from here? I feel like I’m tripping over my feet.”

“I have arranged a deluxe room for you at the VirCorp Suites. Just ask my assistant up front to call for a car. Why don’t you both relax and try to enjoy your evening. The bill is on me. Anything you need for the trip, just ask Kristen and I’ll have it brought to your suite.” Bosak stood and came around to the front and shook each of their hands. “Good luck, gentlemen and Godspeed.”

Together, reeling with the sudden exhilaration of freedom, Joe and Lawrence walked out.     

When they had gone, Hale knocked on the partition.

“Ah, Lieutenant. Come in. What’s on your mind?”

“The Captain has been taken care of, Hank. Just got the call from the detectives downtown. They said city extends its thanks. Tanzer confessed to the murders, even a few others we didn’t know about. He’s already seen the judge and will be sentenced in within the month.”

“Splendid work as always, Lieutenant.”

“There is just one more problem, sir.  Al Jablonski is no where to be found.”


Hale nodded.  “He had help from outside, that much I’m sure. The gate logs shows an orderly left the compound with the doctor we called in. I assume it was him. Whatever the case, he’s out of our jurisdiction now.”

“I suppose we’ll have to just let it go.” Bosak sighed.

“A wise decision, sir. We’ve stopped their operation, whatever it was. That has to count for something.”

The CEO rubbed his eyes and then patted Hale on the shoulder. “Well, thanks for everything. I’m off to the driving range to hit a few. I think I’ve earned it.”

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