Chapter 3

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      The next morning mom makes us breakfast. Afterwords Emmalee makes me a bottle of kool-aid and takes me upstairs where in her mini-fridge were blood-bags for me. I smile at her and I say, "I don't want to know how you got that." She laughs and I mix my drink. I take a gulp and I feel my veins show and my fangs appear. 

Then a hand on my cheek and a thumb rub my veins. I open my eyes to see Emmalee touching me. I smile sheepishly at her and say, "Sorry, sometimes I can't hold it back." She says, "It's okay Aliyah, Really." I smile and hug her. She says, "Go for a walk to your place?" I nod and say, "Yeah, we can go swimming, it's a nice day." 

She fist pumps and I laugh. We grab our things and we exit the house. We make small talk on the way home and when I see Aunt Bex's car I hit Emmalee and say, "My aunt's car is here! Let's go!" She follows me as I run down the street and up the path. I go to open the door and it doesn't open so I slam full force into the door. I fall down and Emmalee collapses down next to me laughing her ass off.

 I groan and ask, "What happened? The door is broken." Emmalee says, "No, your just dumb." I pout and stand in front of the door and yell, "Momma, the door is locked! Let us in please!" Emmalee shakes her head and the door opens, "Morning girls, what was that loud bang?" Emmalee says, "Aliyah ran into the door." Mom laughs and I pout more. I say, "It's not funny, it hurt." Mom pulls me in for a hug. 

I sense someone walk up and Aunt Bex say, "What is all the noise about?" I squeal and run and launch myself onto her. She hugs me tight and when she puts me down she hugs Emmalee and says, "How are my two favorite girls?" Emmalee and I look at each other and say, "Pretty good." She nods and says, "Great! So what is the plan for today?" I say, "Swimming!" She smiles and says, "Have fun, your mom and I are going out for a few hours." We nod as we run to my room to get ready for swimming.

       We pulled out two lawn chairs onto the grass and set towels on them. We find two pool chairs and blow those up. I set my towel on the chair and Emmalee follows suit. I go into the house but stick my head out the backdoor and ask, "Want anything to drink?" She looks at me as she lays down, "Um, normal kool-aid please?" I nod and say, "Great choice. Wine glass?" 

She nods and I quickly make everything and carry the drinks out. I also have my radio so we can blast some music. I turn on the radio and hand Em her drink. I can tell which is which because mine is a darker red. I slip out of my flip flops and strip my shorts and tank-top. I put my sunglasses down and join Em laying down on my chair. Em taps me and hands me her phone and asks, "Can you plug this in and press play?" 

I nod and plug it in. I look and see she has her Pandora on and she is playing her get scared play-list. I happily press play and the music starts. Em and I may look girly but we don't like girly pop music and stuff like that, no we like PTV, BVB, PATD, SWS, and all those other great bands.

       After awhile I was starting to get hot so I get up and walk over to the water. I jump over the side and gasp at the temp but quickly adjust and it feels great. I pull my inflatable chair into the pool and jump on but get thrown off when it flips over. I get up and Em is laughing at me. I shake my head and get on carefully this time and get comfy. After a few minutes, the wave shifts and I open my eyes to see em getting on her chair. I close my eyes again and just relax.

I was starting to fall asleep when Em taps me and when I look at her she says, "Someone is knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell." I sigh and get out if the pool and speed to the door. I open it and see a man standing there, he has short brown hair up in a small quiff, brown eyes, and hes kinda tall, well tall to me anyway since I'm only 5'3. 

"Can I help you?" He nods and says, "Is a Caroline Forbes here at the moment?" I shake my head and say, "No sorry her and my aunt left a few hours ago, I don't know when they will be back. Can I take a message?" He shakes his head and flashes me to a wall by my neck. I gasp and say, "Vampire." He nods but says, "I'm not a normal vampire. I'm an original vampire." 

I gasp again and say, "You better put me down before my aunt and mom get here. My aunt is an original also." He sets me down but keeps the hold on my neck, "What is your aunt's name?" I say, "Rebekah." He lets me go and Emmalee runs in, "Aliyah, what's going on? Who is he?" 

I shake my head but the man already has her up against the wall. My fangs appear and I speed over and bite his wrist to make him let go of her. When she falls down I crouch in front of her and growl at him, "Get out." He says, "You should not have down that little one." He flashes away and I turn and drop down next to Emmalee who is crying. I say, "Come on I'm calling mom." 

She nods and we go upstairs. I plug my phone into the Skype type device that connects calls with a sign interpreter. When she picks up I say, "Mom you need to come home right now, Em and I were attacked by another original." The interpreter signs, "What! Are you alright? We are one the way right now." She must of hung up because the interpreter asks, "That didn't make much sense. But have a good day." 

We go back downstairs and outside and I say, "Lets try to act like that didn't just happen alright?" 

When mom and Aunt Bex got home, we ran and both jumped into her arms. She caught us and dropped down to her knees. She pulls back and says, "Awe my girls are you alright?" We nod and Rebekah asks, "Who was it who attacked you?" I shake my head and say, "He had brown spiked hair and brown eyes. We never got his name." 

"Elijah, Caroline it has to be." Rebekah states as she pulls out her phone and dials a number.


Aliyah buries her head into her moms neck and she rubs her back with one hand while she still holds Emmalee with the other. She pulls Aliyah back and asks the two, "Should we move to the couch?" They nod and she picks them up and carries them to the couch. 

They both cuddle into her and Caroline holds them close in fear of ever losing them. Caroline hears the girls breathing even out as they fall asleep. She also hears Rebekah yelling at Elijah quietly over the phone, "You attacked your own niece and her best friend Elijah! What is wrong with you??!" Caroline chuckles quietly hearing Rebekah say those words. 

She catches herself  thinking of Klaus again and how life might have been if she had told him about Aliyah. Maybe her daughter would have grown up with a half sister, an aunt and an uncle. She stops herself as Rebekah enters the room angry, "Elijah is so stupid!" 

She looks at her, "Why do you say that?" Rebekah replies, "Because he called Klaus! He is on his way here as we speak!" Caroline shoots up sending both girls to the floor groaning. The girls sit up and whine, "Ow, mom what the heck?" She apologizes and says, "Girls why don't you go to Em's for awhile? Your Aunt Bex and I have to talk." 

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