Emmalee and I were confused on why she wanted us to go back to her house when we were just there this morning. I decided to ask Em, "Hey Em, why do you think mom wanted us out of there so quickly?" She shakes her head and says, "I don't know. She looked scared though."
"Yeah, why, though? Is it someone she is scared of or what?" She shakes her head and says, "I don't know Aliyah. Let's go though." I nod and we start walking. I hear a car stop beside us so we stop and a man who has sandy blonde hair and green eyes says, "Can you girls tell me where a Caroline Forbes lives?"
I look to Em and sign without talking, "What did he say? I can't hear him!" Her jaw drops slack and she says, "How?!" I shake my head and she signs, "He wants to know where you live. To find mom." I look at the man and glare and say, "Why do you want my mom?" His eyes widen and he says, "Your mother?"
He looks down like he's thinking and says, "I was told it is just up the road, so i will figure it out myself. Good day girls." He drives away and I look at Em, "That was weird." She nods and we start walking again but then in the next moment I feel a hand wrap around my mouth and Em has a hand around her mouth too.
The man who was in the car was dragging us back toward the house and we were terrified. Who was this man? How does he know my mom? Is he a vampire too? He walks up the front steps of the house and he kick knocks. He lets go of my mouth and grabs my hair and does the same with Emmalee. Mom opens the door and gasps when she sees us.
She looks at the man and says, "Klaus..." I can tell he says something but I can't see what he says. Mom says, "Let the girls go Klaus." He lets us go and she pulls us inside. She hugs us and pulls me back and says, "Are you alright?" I nod and she kisses us both and puts us behind her. We both peep our heads out and Klaus says, "How do you have a child Caroline, you are a vampire?" Mom shakes her head and says, "I don't know Klaus, but I do."
It's been awhile since my last drink and my teeth start to ache so I pull on mom's shirt and sign, "I need to get a drink." My eyes change color and she nods quickly and I run into the kitchen. I sense Emmalee following me and she says, "That man is freaking out now." When she gets to my side. I ask, "Why?" She points to my eyes and says, "He saw your eyes."
I nod and sigh. Once I have my drink we walk out and we gasp as we see mom and Klaus kissing. They pull apart and look at us and I say, "Mom, really?! How do you even know this guy?" Emmalee pulls my shirt and asks, "Can you take me home?" I nod and grab hold of her and we are on her front porch. I bid her goodbye and am back in the kitchen just as quick.
Mom sees me and waves me over. I slowly walk over and Klaus has a new look on his face. It has regret and hope in it. Mom puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "Aliyah, this is Klaus, your dad." I snap my head to him and I can see it, I have his nose, mouth, eyes, and his hair. He says, "Hi there, sweetheart." I stay frozen for a second before slowly walking closer and wrapping my arms around his waist and bury my head in his chest. He stumbles a bit from shock before before his arms slowly wrap around me.
I pull back from the hug and he looks at mom and says, "Why did you keep her from me?" She shakes her head and says, "I knew you were raising a child with Hayley... I didn't want to put anymore stress on you. And I've done fine raising her on my own." He nods and says, "I can see that." He smiles and I poke his dimples. He looks at me with a questioning emotion and I say, "We match." I smile and my dimples appear. He pokes mine and I bat his hand away.
I hop over to mom and jump up into her arms. She catches me and asks, "You put more blood than normal in your drink didn't you?" I nod and giggle. Mom puts me down and I run out of sight into my room. I have roof access from my window so I jump onto the roof and I peak over the edge to see Klaus standing just in the perfect spot. Mom walks out down the path and he follows her a few steps and he is in the exact spot I want him in.
Mom sees me and I hold a finger to my mouth. I crouch down a give a little butt shake like a cat would before jumping off and landing directly on Klaus's back. He wasn't suspecting it so he falls to the ground with me still on his back. I feel his back rumble in a growl and he looks back and when he sees me he goes straight faced and then smirks.
In a second I am on the ground being tickled. After what feels like forever mom scoops me up and I monkey crawl onto her back and hiss at Klaus. He chuckles and says, "Now we are even sweetheart." I stick my tongue out at him and he raises his eyebrows. I feel mom chuckle. Yes I am almost 15, no I do not care I act like a 5 year old sometimes. I bury my face into mom's neck, which is really comfy, and I don't notice I fall asleep.
I wake up when a breeze hits me and I shiver a bit, a hand rubs my arm quickly to help warm me up. I open my eyes to see a torso. I turn my head and see Klaus looking down at me. Mom had my feet in her lap, and we were outside on the porch swing. I blink a few times and he chuckles and moves a strand of hair from my face.
I close my eyes again and snuggle down into his lap. I feel myself get picked up and carried up my room. When I get tucked in I am almost asleep when I feel lips on my temple then on my nose. It's not mom's lips because I have memorized the feel of her lips. Not to sound weird or anything. It has to be Klaus. The last thing I remember before going to sleep is the feel of a hand brushing my face.

She's Ours (Klaroline)
Fanfictionthis takes place after 5x11 what if there was a way for supernatural creatures to pro-create. well most can already but not vampires. but what if one pair defies nature and end up having a child? the childs father is the most hated man in the supern...