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One Week After 5x11

      It has been a week since I've seen or heard from Klaus, I mean he's probably gone back to New Orleans. I've been feeling well, not myself. I don't know what it is I just feel, well, different. I have been trying to act normal but it's getting hard to keep it from my friends...

One Month Later

       Oh my god... Well, now I know why I was feeling funny... I'm pregnant. How am I pregnant!? vampires can't procreate! Even worse Klaus is probably the father of my child! Like how am I going to tell everyone?!! They already know I slept with him but they don't know I'm pregnant. There is pretty much no one to tell that won't judge and hate me. Well actually I take that back, I have quite a few people. Hmm, I might as well tell them.....

      I had gathered Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan together to tell them the news and I was super nervous. I tell them to sit down and they do and Bonnie asks, "What's going on Care?" I sigh and start pushing back tears, "I don't know how it's possible but please don't hate me?" They nod and Stefan says, "Just tell us, Caroline." I nod and with a tear escaping I whisper, "I'm pregnant." Elena and Bonnie gasp and Stefan's jaw drops and says, "That's not possible." I nod with more tears escaping and I say, "I know! It doesn't make sense!" All my friends hug me and comfort me as I panic.

       I decided I needed to get out of town for awhile. I told my mom I was going to live on campus for awhile but really I was getting away so I can protect my child. I guess word has gotten around somehow already and I was already threatened. It was best for me and my unborn child to get someplace safe. I opted for going to Klaus but he already has enough on his plate with trying to take back his, "kingdom" So I was just going to go to the airport and pick a place that looks promising.

Two Years Later

       Two years ago I was stood at an airport choosing somewhere I would go to protect my child and when I got there-there was a flight to Paris. So I went, I called everyone and told them I would be fine and come back when I knew my child was safe. When I was eight months pregnant a witch found me and put a curse on my baby. 

 "Your child may not know the sounds of her mother, father, her lovers, and any loved ones, she is cursed with this life as being partially deaf. May this be a warning to your lover miss. Have a good day." I was confused at first. But I understood after my child started getting older. Another complication was when I was nine months and was due in a week; I was walking when a vampire flashed in front of me and stabbed me right in the stomach. I had rushed home and then found a witch I had been in contact with. She had said the baby was fine but the knife was bewitched so there would be a scar on the baby's arm for her whole life. 

Yes, my baby is a girl, when she was born I called her Aliyah (Ali-a) Nikola Forbes. No way was I going to give her Klaus' last name. She had a lot of her father's features but she was an exact copy of me, not a doppelganger exact copy but she looked a lot like me when I was a baby.

      Today is her 2nd birthday and I have decided to move us back to Mystic Falls and visit with everyone. For Aliyah's first birthday I flew my mom out to see her. Yes, I had told my mom. She was upset but accepted it. Mom absolutely loves her. She luckily got my temper so it's not as bad as Klaus'. I was packing the last of our things when Aliyah came running in. I had to learn sign language for her since she was deaf. Well partially, I told mom everything with the witch and she was shocked, to say the least. 

I look at my beautiful daughter as she asks, "momma what are you doing?" She smiles at me and her cute little dimples she got from her father appear. I say as I sign, "Well silly girl I am packing for our trip to grandma's." She squeals and yells, "Yay Grandma's!" She dances out of the room. She's in the dancing phase. I sigh when she leaves and zip up the suitcases. I put our things in the car and go back in to find Aliyah. 

I find her in the kitchen with a bottle of her special kool-aid that I had made for her. Since Aliyah is a hybrid she still needs blood; so I put it in her kool-aid to dilute the taste of the blood, and just enough to keep her satisfied for quite awhile. When she see's me I sign, "Ready to go?" She nods and skips over to me and I scoop her up and place her on my hip. I smooth down her hair and whisper, "You have your father's hair." 

Arrival In Mystic Falls

       I pull into my old driveway and pull out Aliyah who was dead asleep. She is a really heavy sleeper. I have no idea where she got it from. I hold her close to my chest as I knock on the door. My mom opens it and she says, "Caroline! You're here! Please come in." I laugh as I step in and look around and say, "This place hasn't changed since I've left." 

Mom shakes her head and says, "Nope, I've really missed you Care, it hasn't been the same without you." I smile sadly and say, "I've missed you too. I'm actually thinking of moving back out here. No, I am moving back out here. Is it okay if we move in with you?" She nods and says, "Of course honey!" She hugs me and I say, "good! Because if you said no I'd be screwed. I already have movers shipping clothes and stuff out." 

She laughs and says, "Oh Caroline. It's good to have you back." I smile and say, "It's good to be back. Hey, do you know where everyone is?" She pulls back and says, "I think that I saw them at the grill when I left. Which was a few minutes before you got here, is when I got home so I would expect them to still be there or at the Salvatore boarding house."

 I thank her and she says, "Are you going to go find them?" I nod and say, "Yeah, I'm hoping that Aliyah will be able to see them while it is still her birthday." She nods and says, "Okay. Have fun." I smile at her and adjust Aliyah in my arms and re-exit the house and go back to the car...

      When we get to the grill I pull an almost awake Aliyah out of the car and she signs, "Where are we?" I sign back, "the Mystic Grill." She nods and I carry her inside. I look around and see Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie and Stefan sitting at a table. I walk over and say, "Surprise!" 

They all turn and say, "Caroline! You're back!" They hug me and Matt comes by and brings a high chair. I thank him and hug him. Elena says, "It's good to have you back Care. She has gotten so big!" I nod and say, "No kidding. Oh, that reminds me. Can you watch her really quick I have to go make her, her juice." They nod and Stefan decides to come with me. When I reach the car I put out everything I need.

 "How much like Klaus is she?" I sigh and say, "Not much actually, apart from her ability to draw, and how she has the same dimples as he does, but if you mean temper wise than she is perfect. More like me, calm." He nods and says, "That's good." I nod and shake Aliyah's juice. He asks, "Why does she need to drink this specific juice?" I smirk.

"Just wait." I take out the blood bag that I have been using and pour the last of it in her sippy cup. I mix it in and he says, "Ah, a hybrid so she needs blood." I nod and say, "It gets her by." He nods as we walk back in. Bonnie asks, "Care what's this scar on Aliyahs's arm? It feels supernatural." I sigh and say, "When I was pregnant someone stabbed me with a bewitched knife and the cut would scar her arm forever."

She nods and looks like she thinks for a moments before I hear, "Well look who it is, vampire barbie back in town with baby barbie in tow." I laugh and say, "Hello Damon. Aren't you as sarcastic as ever." 

He laughs and Aliyah asks and signs, "What does he mean momma?" I say and sign, "It's a nickname." She nods and goes back to talking with Bonnie and Elena. I place her sippy cup in front of her and kiss her forehead. She smiles at me and Elena whispers to me, "Does that have blood in it?" I nod and then she does.

We all sit and chat for awhile catching up and at one point Aliyah got tired, so I had picked her up and now she was asleep on my lap. We all said goodnight and I brought Aliyah to the car and buckled her into her seat. 

When I shuffled into my bedroom I laid Aliyah down and got changed before changing her and slipping into bed and pulling her close to me.

A/N: holy crap I'm gonna be going through and editing, so many typos good lord.

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