Chapter 7

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Klaus and Rebekah got to New Orleans as soon as they could and slammed the doors to the car as they got out. Rebekah looked up at the building, "Should have known he would have brought them here. He hasn't used this place in forever."

They approached the building but there was a barrier around the building not letting them in, "No. Of course, his witch put a boundary spell. That means I have to go and kill a witch. Rebekah, stay here and don't mess anything up." Klaus stormed off to go find the witch creating the boundary spell so they could get the girls back.

Rebekah sighed and then called Elijah, "Come on Elijah pick up." When the line clicked as he answered she pursed her lips, "Finally, hello big brother."

"Ah, Rebekah, you called? What may I assist with?" He closed the book he was reading. Rebekah leaned against the wall and pursed her lips, "Our niece has been found, but, we have a problem, and our brother is trying to find that problem."

"And what problem would that be?" He raised an eyebrow as he started towards the door, "A witch has put a boundary spell around the place, we can't get to them."

Elijah left now in search with his brother, "I will call if I find anything. Maybe I'll give Marcellus a call. See what I can do." Rebekah nodded some, "I'll be waiting here like Nik told me to." She sat on a bench nearby and looked around for something she could do. When she found nothing she sighed and decided to call Aliyah's phone. If Marcel answered he would get chewed out by the angry Mikaelson sister.

"Well well well, you finally called again?" Marcel laughed as he looked out his window and saw Rebekah down on the bench, "I also see you couldn't get into the building. Good, I'm not quite done with your niece yet. Has Klaus come back to town yet?" Rebekah looked up at the window and the veins under eyes grew as she growled. She was pissed off.

"He's finding your witch for us as we speak, and when that spell is broken he's going to tear your throat out for taking his daughter and her friend. So why don't you give them back, and Klaus will come and take care of you?"

"I'm afraid I can't do that. And it will be hard to kill my witch when she's safely inside the boundary of her spell. Now you tell Klaus to come back and come on in. He'll be able to come through. You won't be able to." She sighed, irritated.

"Why take her Marcel? Why not take hope? She would have been easier and less work to get." He laughed at her, "Because of her mother, she would have been after me as well. I can handle a vampire, but a hybrid is a little harder." Rebekah glared up at him, "Caroline has nothing to do with us here in New Orleans. She just wanted to live peacefully."

Marcel smirked and took a drink of his whiskey, "That's not my problem now is it?" He snapped and Aliyah was dragged over with her crying softly and shoved her against the window for Rebekah to see, "She's given up her will to fight this one. Really knows nothing of her father. Why is that Rebekah?"

Rebekah gasped seeing Aliyah all burnt up from the vervain and Wolfsbane on her face, "Because, Marcel, Caroline never told Klaus she had Aliyah... The only reason is because of Elijah's big mouth." Marcel looked down at the teenager and threw her back towards the vampire and she was tied back up with a whimper of pain. 

"Get me Klaus, Rebekah, and I'll consider letting the girls go." He hung up the phone and looked at the girls and went over and grabbed the plate of food and untied Emmalee's hands but kept her tied to the chair, "Eat, we can't have you dying. I am a hospitable host." She shook her head, terrified of him.

Aliyah struggled a little, "Don't hurt her." She tried to move closer to her best friend to protect her. She cried out though when she was splashed with vervain. Her hands covered her face and she whimpered as she fell back against the floor.

"Aliyah!" Emmalee struggled to get out of her restraints, "stop hurting her!" She started to eat hoping they would lay off of her if she listened, Marcel looked over and smirked. Maybe that's the leverage, they would do anything for each other. He stopped his attack on Aliyah and sat down nearby with a drink.

"So how is it that you are deaf? But can hear me?" He took a drink as Aliyah looked up at him, breath coming in pained pants. She didn't want to tell him, but she knew if she didn't he would probably hurt her again.

"I was cursed in my mother's womb. A witch knew I was Klaus' and she told me I would not know the sounds of my mother or father. Lovers, or loved ones if I told them I love them. Then I was also stabbed in the womb too, I have a scar on my arm that I will have forever."

Marcel narrowed his eyes before grabbing her arm and taking a look, she wasn't lying. He really had no use for her if she didn't know anything. Maybe he should have grabbed Hope. He took an angry deep breath before going to talk to his witch.

Aliyah looked at Emmalee and frowned, "I'm so sorry Em... I swear I will get us home." She let a few tears fall, she was still in a lot of pain. Aliyah just wanted to be home with her mom and not remember what was happening to her and her best friend.

Back in Mystic Falls

Caroline was pacing as Bonnie and Elena sat in her living room, she wanted her daughters back and needed to find a way to get to them. She didn't trust Klaus enough to get them home safe. She called Rebekah again to get an update.

"Caroline, we are doing the best we can to get them out. Only Klaus can enter and the stubborn ass won't trap himself inside with them." Rebekah looked up at the window she had seen her niece and paced, she wanted to strangle Marcel.

"Rebekah, he needs to do it! He needs to save our daughter and her friend. You know how much those two mean to me." Her friends wrapped their arms around her as she started to cry again.

"If Klaus doesn't do something soon I am coming down there myself and getting in anyway I can, and he won't be able to stop me. I will tear Marcel's throat out myself."

Rebekah looked around for her brother who still hadn't come back, he needed to hurry up with whatever plan he had to get the two out, "Caroline I will call you if we have any information, I just don't have anything else to tell you. My stupid brother hasn't come back yet from a plan he said he was making."

The two hung up and she just let the phone fall. She wanted her girls back. Elena rubbed her back and frowned as she looked at Bonnie, "don't worry Care, we'll get them back."

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