After they had all eaten breakfast together as a family, Caroline took Emmalee out into town while Aliyah and Hope had some bonding time. The sisters walked around the compound learning about each other and finding out their similarities and differences. They went out on the balcony to sit in the sun and Aliyah took a deep breath, "Hope?"
Hope looked over at her and smiled some, "yeah?" Aliyah looked over at her, "how was it? Growing up here around everyone?" She leaned back more in her chair and looked out at the blue sky, "it was nice, wasn't always the happiest of times. That's what happens when you are surrounded by supernatural things growing up. But times were good."
Aliyah nodded and sighed, "when Mom found out she was having me she moved to Paris to keep me safe. It didn't quite work, I was cursed, and injured before I was even born." She held out her arm to show the scar that she had. Hope frowned but nodded, "it's not easy being a tribrid. Dad's mom had a sister, and she also cursed the family, the firstborn child would be taken by her for helping Esther with a fertility spell."
"You're the first firstborn in 1000 years? That seems so unbelievable. I'm sorry you had to go through whatever it was you had to go through. Makes what I went through seem like nothing. I've had such a normal childhood." She shook her head and moved her chair closer, "even if I wish that I had an easier time, I wouldn't change what happened, it's made me who I am."
The older of the two stood up and she motioned for the other to get up, "come on, I'll show you around town." Aliyah got up and followed her half-sister down and out of the compound, she hadn't actually seem much of New Orleans. The only reason she was there was because she had been kidnapped. She locked arms with Hope, looking around, "wow, it's so busy here."
"It gets even busier at night. A lot of vampires here don't have daylight rings, so they can only come out at night. Not everyone knows a witch who can make them a ring." She nodded and smiled when she heard some Jazz music playing nearby. She rushed towards it and Hope laughed as she followed after her, "it seems the love for Jazz runs in the family. Dad loves Jazz, the 20's was his favorite decade."
"I could see that being his favorite. Do you like to paint and draw?" She nodded, smiling, "dad and I used to do it together, he taught me most of what I know." That made Aliyah smile but frown and ache inside, Caroline was not that artistically gifted so she had to learn on her own and rely on her uncle Jeremy, and school to teach her. Knowing maybe in a different life her father could have taught her made her wish for that.
"That's amazing. I bet you two got to bond over that." She nodded and played with her fingers, "yeah, it's actually how we first met. I was painting and he joined me. Things caused us to be a part for a long time. He did the best he could though." Aliyah kept walking along the streets with her older sister.
Caroline had taken Emmalee out for the day. They had gotten lunch and she bought her a few tourist things to get her mind to a better place. After a long day out and about she took her back to the compound and smiled as she went off to her room. She crossed her arms and sighed softly.
"She's taking it hard isn't she?" Klaus came up beside her, hands behind his back, "wouldn't you? If you actually had parents worth grieving?" She looked at him. She turned towards him, "she's devastated, I'm just happy she still has us." He looked at her and nodded, "you've done a fantastic job with both of them."
She looked at him, "Emmalee was hardly me... But thank you. Did you spend any time with Aliyah?" He shook his head, "not today, she spent it with Hope. They walked around and talked about their childhoods. She is a bit jealous Hope got to know me growing up." She reached over and rubbed his arm as she frowned, "Aliyah, had she gotten the chance. Would have been a big daddy's girl. I regret not giving her that option. But I had to keep her safe, after losing my mom, she was all I had left."
"I don't blame you for the decisions you've made raising our daughter, Caroline. I am getting to know her now and will spend the rest of her life making up for it." He gave her a sincere smile as they moved to sit at the table. Caroline looked around the compound and looked back at Klaus, "sometimes I think back to the words you said to me all those years ago."
He raised a brow and chuckled, "which ones? That you'd show up on my doorstep and I'd show you the world?" She blushed before chuckling, "that, and you being my last love... I want our daughters to see that at least one of their parents can have a healthy relationship. I haven't dated since I had Aliyah, and I heard what happened to Hayley's husband."
He nodded and looked away, "yes it was very sad. She and Elijah have been getting closer as time passes though. My brother deserves to find happiness again." Caroline nodded, "he was always the nice brother." She nudged Klaus with her shoulder and he chuckled. She looked down and then back to him, "it's been fifteen years Klaus. I've had lots of time to think, and decide what I want. When I heard you had a family here I stayed away, not wanting to ruin that." She frowned when he stood up.
"Klaus?" He quickly pulled her up as she kept asking questions, starting to get worried at his tight grip but she froze in shock when he kissed her. She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck when he let her arms go. He gripped her hips to keep her close.
The three girls had snuck out of their rooms to spy on the two. They were on their bellies on the floor, looking through the banister down at them. Hope and Aliyah made a face and Emmalee held back a giggle. Aliyah bit her lip, was there a possibility that her parents would get together and they'd be a family? That her and Hope would have the ability to get closer?
Caroline's mom hearing made her pull away quickly and look up towards them, "girls!? Are you spying on us?!" The three screeched and ran back to their rooms. Klaus raised a brow and laughed, "how'd you know?" She tapped her nose, "I know the scents of my kids, and I could feel their eyes on the back of my head."
He nodded with a laugh and kept his arms around her, "well until our girls are grown I may not be able to show you the world, but I can fulfill my promise of being your last love." He looked over her face and into her eyes. She smiled and stroked his cheek, "take me to dinner first and we'll see how the night plays out."
Hayley said she'd watch the girls while the two went to dinner. She sat in the library reading a book when she heard footsteps. She closed her book and listened, counting the number of steps to figure how many sets there were. She counted three and stood up, "girls?"
They came into the library holding a board game, "Wanna play with us?" Hayley smiled and looked at Hope, "you haven't pulled out a board game in a long time." She smiled at her mom and went over to hug her, "call it sister bonding time?" She chuckled and smiled at the other two.
"Alright. Let's play a game." She wrapped her arms around the other two as they walked down to the table to play. Emmalee leaned into her, she was taking all the affection she could from the adults in her life, "Mom? Aunt Freya and Aunt Keelin should be back from vacation soon shouldn't they?"
Hayley nodded, "I believe so. A few more days. They'll be able to meet the new additions to the family." Hope nodded and started to set up the game, "I miss them." Hayley nodded and kissed the top of her head, "I know baby, I miss them too."

She's Ours (Klaroline)
Fanfictionthis takes place after 5x11 what if there was a way for supernatural creatures to pro-create. well most can already but not vampires. but what if one pair defies nature and end up having a child? the childs father is the most hated man in the supern...