Klaus and Caroline walked hand in hand as they walked back into the compound. Rebekah was sitting with Hayley at the table waiting for them. The two looked over at them and gave the couple a big grin, "well, it looks like you two had fun." Hayley smirked and Rebekah got up and went to Caroline and hugged her.
"Tonight was a lot of fun. We've decided we're going to see how it goes, as a couple." Hayley smiled and hugged Klaus, "you better take care of her, you know I'll kick your ass." He laughed and hugged her back, "don't worry little wolf, she'll be very well taken care of. Are the girls asleep?"
"They should be, they're having a slumber party in the library, set up sleeping bags in front of the fire." Caroline smiled and put her hands on her heart, "I love that. I'm so happy the girls are getting along. Not all sisters get along. I think they'll be good friends." Hayley nodded and smiled, "Hope's happy to have friends again, she's had a hard time with that."
Caroline nodded at that, she knew her own daughter had lots of trouble with that, "don't I know it? We'll have to teach you all sign language. There will be a day an 'I love you' slips and she'll only be able to communicate that way." Klaus put his hands behind his back in thought.
"Sister? Do you know when Freya and Keelin plan on returning?" Rebekah looked at her brother before nodding, "next week. Why?" He raised an eyebrow at her, "our eldest sister is a very skilled witch. Don't you think she and Davina combined may be able to break the curse placed on Aliyah?"
She put her hands on her hips as she looked away in thought, "you know, they might just be able to do it. Caroline. If you could get Aliyah to agree, you think it's time she knows what her mother sounds like?" Care bit her lip, she blinked quickly to keep tears from forming, "you think it could work? You think my baby would finally be able to hear me?"
They nodded and she covered her mouth, "oh my god... We have to keep this to ourselves because if we tell her and it fails, it would crush her." Klaus pulled Caroline to his side and she let out a happy cry, "our baby could hear again."
With the girls earlier in the night
Aliyah laid awake in bed, she felt restless. She sat up and shook Emmalee gently, her head immediately moving to look at her, "I can't sleep." She signed, Emmalee waved her off, "go back to sleep... I'm tired."
Aliyah huffed before she got up and started to wander the halls. She looked into a few of the empty rooms that had the doors open. She found one that was filled with paints and different art supplies. This must have been her dad's art room. She looked around the room before she found an empty sketch pad and a charcoal pencil before she found a spider-free corner and she sat down and started to sketch.
She didn't notice how long she had been sitting there until the sun was shining in through the window. She only glanced up before she went back to the piece she was working on. Sketches were surrounding her on the floor. She whined when someone stood in front of her, blocking her light.
She looked up and saw her dad, she gave a small smile when she saw his concerned face, "hi daddy." He relaxed, "hi, sweetheart. Have you been here all night?" She nodded as she read his lips. He squatted down in front of her and looked at her sketches, "these are very good. You got your talent from me."
He smiled when she didn't answer and realized she was immersed back into the sketch she was working on. He waved to get her attention again, "your mother has been looking for you all morning, she's been worried sick since she didn't find you in bed." That made Aliyah frown and put her drawing down.
"Mom's looking for me?" Klaus nodded and Aliyah got up, bones snapping and popping from her being in the same position for hours. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her, leading her down to the kitchen where the family was all gathered around. Caroline was pacing back and forth with her arms crossed.
Aliyah frowned, "momma?" Caroline's head whipped up and she gasped before rushing to her daughter and pulling her into her arms, "oh baby you scared me." She pulled back to look at her as she started signing, "where were you? Where did you go?"
"Easy, love. She never left the compound. I followed the smell of fresh charcoal and found her in my art room. Albeit tucked in a corner nearly not visible." Caroline took a deep breath before she hugged her daughter to her chest.
Aliyah laid her head on her mom's shoulder as she hugged her back, "I'm okay Mom, I just couldn't sleep. I lost track of time." Caroline nodded and cupped Aliyah's face before standing up. Rebekah chuckled, "now that we've got that settled, it's time for breakfast."
Everyone tucked into the table after washing up. Plates got passed around with different breakfast times on them. Klaus and Rebekah looked up when the door opened, "stay here. I'm going to go check it out." He was gone in a flash, with Caroline on the edge of her seat.
Klaus came back with a smile, "we seem to have been surprised this morning with a visit. Freya and Keelin have decided to grace us with their presence early!" Hope gasped and jumped up as she ran to her aunts and hugged them tightly. Aliyah bit her lip as she looked up at her, they were both beautiful and she could see the family resemblance.
Freya looked around and smiled, "did you all miss us?" Hope nodded, looking up at them, "how was your trip?" Rebekah sat next to Aliyah and rubbed her back, "that is your aunt Freya and aunt Keelin. Come meet them."
Aliyah let her aunt pull her up and drag her over, "dear sister. This is Aliyah. Your other niece." Freya smiled at the teen before she pulled her arms for a hug, "I've heard so much about you. Rebekah never stops talking about you." That made aliyah blush.
Freya took her face in her hands and hummed. She smiled after a moment, "half human half vampire, I've never seen that. Seems you have amazing control as well." Caroline smiled, she couldn't help but feel proud that she had raised her daughter so well. She looked at Klaus with a proud smile.
"Caroline did a fantastic job raising our daughter. No doubt one who has amazing control would be able to teach others control."

She's Ours (Klaroline)
Fanfictionthis takes place after 5x11 what if there was a way for supernatural creatures to pro-create. well most can already but not vampires. but what if one pair defies nature and end up having a child? the childs father is the most hated man in the supern...