Chapter 8 - There For You

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Chapter 8 - There For You

I arrived at the park, I pulled over and quickly got out. I ran when I saw Chase sitting on a bench in the park. He looked beaten up and all bruised and blood was on his shirt. "Oh my god Chase! Are you ok?! What happened? Who did this to you?!" I blurted out all very fast. "I'll explain everything to you later, I just can't walk so I didn't know who else to call" he said.

"I need to take you to a hospital, look at you, you need stitches on that cut" I slightly touched his cut with was under his bottom lip. He tensed as I touched him but then he relaxed. He closed his eyes and relaxed under my touch. I had the urge to just kiss him right now, he looked so cute even with all cuts and bruises, I still wanted to know who did this to him, I would make sure that they paid.

"I just want to go home, please" he spoke softly.

"Are you sure?" I had to make sure. He nodded and I helped him off the bench. He shirt was ripped and I saw blood on his abs.
"You poor thing, why did someone do this to you?"

"I promise I'll tell you everything as soon as I get home, I just need to get my wounds fixed up and have a shower"

"I'll help you" I offered and he smiled. We walked back to my car and before I knew it we were back at home. I looked at my watch before exiting the car and it was only 8pm.

We got inside the house and I realised Amanda was upstairs cos her bedroom light was on. "C'mon" I whispered and helped him up the stairs. I took him to my room and got him to sit down. "I'll be back, I have a first aid kit in my bathroom" I said. I walked to my bathroom and got it out of the cabinet, I returned back to my room and saw Chase had taken his shirt off. Oh my god, look at his fucking sexy body! Snap out of it, now is not the time. I walked over to him and I examined his wounds first. He had a nasty one on his abs so I dipped the cloth in the disinfectant. "This is gonna sting a little, but try not to think of it" I said. He nodded slowly. I began slowly dabbing his cut with the cloth and I felt him tense a little. "Ouch"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, try to relax a little"
He moaned a little and I gotta say it sounded hot, but I shouldn't be thinking of those things.

"Ok all done here, now let me do your lip" I said as I stood up. "Ok" he smiled. God he's smile is so beautiful, even with a scar underneath it, he still looks kissable. I came closer to his lips and I felt him tense again. I ran my fingers through his hair. "Relax I promise I won't hurt you this time" I continued stroking his hair. His eyes slowly closed and I leaned closer and closer till i dabbed the cloth on his cut. He didn't tense as much this time because I was stroking his hair with my other hand. After I finished I blew on his lips so it would stop stinging. "All done" I whispered to him. He opened his eyes and noticed how close I was to his face. He swallowed hard and l smiled. "Let me just go get you some pain killers" I walked back to my bathroom and took out a pain killer. I ran downstairs quickly and got him some water and ran back upstairs.

"Here" I handed it to him. He smiled before taking it. He swallowed the tablet and sat back down on my bed. "You can lay down" I smile to him.

"Thanks" he bent down to take his shoes off but I stopped him. I got down on my knees and took them off for him. I looked back up at him and saw him smiling. I smiled back because he looks so perfect.

"Thanks Evie" he's smile was still on his face. "Your welcome"

He laid back down on my bed and I helped cover him with my blanket. "I'm gonna go make you some hot chocolate, it's perfect in this weather" I say before leaving my room.

Chase's POV

She left the room to go make me hot chocolate. She's so nice to me, she helped me clean my wounds, she picked me up when I needed her to, and now she's making me hot chocolate, she's too nice and I don't deserve that, I'm a bad guy, I get into trouble a lot, if only she knew the reason why those bastards beat me up. I'm pretty strong, but since it was 6 against 1, I didn't stand a chance, even though I did throw a couple good punches.

I was interrupted from my thought by Evie. "Here you go" she smiled handing me the cup of hot chocolate. I took it from her hands and took a long sip. "Thanks a lot Evie, your the best" she blushes and smiles.
"Can i trust you?" I already know that I can, but I still needed to hear it from her.
"Of course you can" she assured me. "Ok well the reason why I was at the park because I met up with some guys from my old town, I owed the some money because I was in need of it at the time for my fathers operation because I knew he was very sick, so I borrowed some money and told them I would pay them back as a soon as I can. Then when I used that money for my dad's surgery I thought everything was going to be ok, but it wasn't. The doctors tried everything they could to save him but i guess it was his time to go, so he died. Then I was sent here by your dad because he knew me and my dad very well, he said that I should come live with him for a while until we can sort something out, so anyway the amount that I borrowed from the guys was a lot and I have only paid them back half the amount from money I had saved, so today when I was sitting with you and Amanda they called me saying they need the rest of it, I only had a couple hundred on me so I thought I'll go give it to them and explain that I might need more time, but they got angry and beat me up, it was 6 against 1, so that's why I was so hurt and then I called you, and that's the story" I finished off. She was nodded throughout all the story letting me know she was still listening. She threw her arms around me after I finished and I hugged her back. "It's ok, I'll help you" I heard her whisper. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. She pulled away from the hug and walked to her drawer. She opened it and pulled out a piggy bank. "No no no way, Evie I won't let you--"

"Don't worry! I insist, you are in need of it more than I am, I won't let anyone hurt you again, so just give them there money and it'll all be over"

"I can't let you do that for me"

"I want to, please let me help, I don't care about the money, I care about you!" She emphasised on the last part.

"Why do you care so much? I mean you barely know me"

"I care because you are a good person, and if the story was reversed and I needed your help and you could help, I know you would"

I smiled and hugged her tight. She's the best thing that's happened to me, and I really don't deserve her.

"Thank you Evie, your really special to me, your the nicest person I know"

"Thanks" she blushed.

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