Chapter 15 - "I like you Chase, I always have."

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Chapter- 15 "I like you Chase, I always have."

Evie's POV

The front door finally opened and in came Chase carrying Amanda in his arms. What in the world happened?

I rushed to their side and asked, "What the hell happened?"
"Your sister talked me into going to Scottie's party and she promised we'll only stay there for an hour. But when we got their I lost her the minute we stepped in," He paused taking another deep breath before continuing, "So I kept looking for her and asking if anyone has seen her but no one saw her. Finally two hours later I found her about to pass out. She obviously had way too much to drink." He explained.

"Oh god," I slam my palm on my forehead, "Can you please carry her to her room and I'll get her some aspirin."
He nodded and began walking up the stairs. I walked into the kitchen where the medicine cabinet is and took out what I needed. I got a bottle of water from the fridge and walked to her room.
Thank god my dad isn't back home otherwise he would've killed us if he saw the state Amanda is in. Suddenly my head began hurting. It felt like two drills were being drilled into my temples. Ignoring the sharp pain, I continued up the stairs and into Amanda's room. She was laying in bed and she looked horrible.

"What happened?" She mumbled as she rubbed her head ferociously.

Taking a deep breath I said, "Well you took Chase with you to Scottie's party, promised him you guys won't be long, he lost you the minute you got there, and two hours later he found you drunk and nearly passed out."

She sat up taking the water bottle and aspirin from me, "Wow, all that?"

I chuckled, "Yes, all that."

"I'm sorry." She mumbled before laying back down.

"It's ok, your lucky dad didn't get home before you, otherwise you would've been toast."

"Yeah." She agreed.

"Well I'll let you sleep then," I stood up and took off her night lamp, "Nite Amanda."

"Night." She called back.

I walked out of her room and down the stairs to the living room where Chase was sitting on the couch. He had his head in his hands and I heard him sighing deeply.

"Chase." I whispered softly as I sat beside him on the couch. He looked up at me through his eyelashes, "Yeah?"

I stared at his perfect face, admiring his good looks. I held my hand out and gently caressed his cheek with the tips of my fingers. He relaxed under my touch and closed his eyes at my touch.

I leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "I broke up with him."

He's eyes opened and he noticed our proximity but before he could open his mouth to say anything, I press my lips firmly onto his and began kissing him. He responded back eagerly, like he's been waiting for this moment all his life. I melted as he so softly caressed my cheek with his hand making me feel pure bliss. My fingers found their way into his hair as I gave it a soft tug which resulted in him moaning softly which sounded sexy.

He pulled away due to the fact that we both needed to breath, but I immediately missed the warmth of his lips on mine.

He rested his forehead on mine and looked deeply into my eyes while breathing heavily. "This kiss was way better than our first." He smirked.

I giggled and held his neck, pulling him back down to me as his lips found mine again. This time I took charge and deepened the kiss. I slowly traced my tongue against his bottom lip, which he parted for me, allowing me access to roam his mouth. He kept up with the kisses as he pushed me softly so I was now laying on the couch, him hovering on top of me. His hands travelled down my ribs, to my waist and stopped just as he reached my jeans. I wanted him. All of him. I removed his shirt so he was completely shirtless. Oh god, I wanna kiss his abs so badly. And I did.

I let my tongue slid over his hard defined abs which made him moan and close his eyes in pure pleasure. I tugged on the belt of his jeans, fiddling with the buckles.

"Evie," He moaned quietly, "We can't babe."

I frowned as I looked back up at him, "Why?"

"Because your dad-"

Before he could continue his sentence, I heard someone fiddling with keys at the front door. Oh shit!

Chase got off of me very quickly and threw his shirt back on his body as he causally sat beside me. I tried to act natural as my dad walked in. My mind was still replaying what just happened. I never in my wildest dreams would of thought that I would be making out with Chase Mathews. The hottest guy I know.

"Hey kids." My dad greeted with a smile as he walked towards us.

"Hey." Me and Chase answered simultaneously.

"What did you get up to?" He asked casually as he set his keys on the buffet table in the foyer.

"Nothing." I said a little too quickly which caught my dads attention.

"Really?" He asked dubiously.

Shit, I don't know how to lie to save my life.

"Yeah." I answered.

My dad noticed the awkwardness so he just laughed, "Okay then, I'm going to bed."

"Okay." I stood up to hug him and tell him goodnight. As he walked up the stairs I let out a nervous breathe I didn't know I was holding in.

"That was close." Chase whispered with a smirk plastered to his incredibly sexy face.

"Yeah." I nodded in agreement.

"So tell me," Chase began as he patted the spot next to him for me to sit, "Why did you break up with Brent?"

I didn't think I would have to say it, but I did, "Because I like you Chase, I always have."

As if my words surprised him, he raised a brow, "Really?"

I nodded without answering. Then his lips curved into a cute smile.

"I know I should feel bad about your breakup, but I'm not because now I can finally ask you to be my girlfriend."

What? Chase Mathews, wants me to be his girlfriend?!

"Wow," I breathed, "Are y-you sure?"

Why did I just say that? He'll think I'm a loser now.

"Yeah." He chuckled. I smiled and I knew I wanted nothing more than to be his girlfriend.


He smiled happily and leaned forward capturing my lips. Oh boy, this is too good! I kissed him back without hesitation. I kissed him like there was no tomorrow. I just wanted to spend the rest of my life like this, in his arms. Too cheesy, right? I know.

I'm just so happy because this is happening. Chase Mathews is my boyfriend.

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