Chapter 5 - home alone

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School was painfully long today so by the time the final bell rang, I was cheering. Scottie had football practice and Amanda wanted to go watch, but I was just to bloody tired, plus I missed daddy since I didn't get to see him yesterday.

I didn't have a ride since Amanda was staying back with Scottie, so I just decided to walk home.

"Hey where's our ride?" I heard chase running behind me.

"She's staying back to watch Scottie's football practice" I explained. "Oh, well I guess exercise is good for us" he joked.

"So you've been living with us for 3 days now, we don't really know much about each other though"

"Well I'm pretty sure your dad mentioned that I've been in jail for the past 6 months, I had gotten into some trouble at my old town, so now here I am, my dad passed away, my moms a crack whore who doesn't even know that I'm alive, and I have no where to go now"

"I'm sorry, sounds like you've had a rough life"

"It's ok, It only teaches me to be stronger, and to depend on my self"

The rest of the way home we walked in silence.

As soon as we got home I walked into my kitchen to see if my dad was home, but sadly i saw another note on the counter which meant he wasn't home.

Sorry kids another late one, I'm very sorry, but I'll make it up to you, I promise, love you girls


"Dad's not home?" Chase asked walking up to me.

I just shook my head, and walked out to the living room. I was shuffling through the channels on TV when I decided to message Amanda and see what she's doing.

Me: hai, still watchn tha boys practice?

Shortly afterwards I received a message.

Amanda: yup, there all shirtless ;) yippee! Lol

Me: lol oh Amanda ;)

Amanda: I'm gona sleep at Scottie's tonight, so dnt wait up ;) love ya!

Me: ooookay =]

I hadn't realised the Chase was sitting beside me until now. "So shall we watch a movie?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that" he smiled warmly. It didn't feel weird that I was home alone with a guy whom I barely knew, because to be honest i feel like I have known him my whole life. It may sound weird but I know I am safe around him.

"Really? Madagascar?" I was shocked that he chose that. He just smiled and said "I never got to watch it, and I really want to, is that ok?" He pouted. I swear I could just pinch those cheeks, and he's eyes are daring me to look into them just a bit longer than I should, oh and don't get me started on those perfect soft looking moist lips, I just want to place my lips on his and see what they feel like.

I didn't realise till now the Chase was leaning closer...and closer, his eyes travelled down to my lips, I gulped a little, I tried to focus my gaze at his eyes, but they kept looking back down to his lips.

He's face was practically an inch away from mine, I could feel his minty breath fan my face, his lips nearly brushed against mine when the front door burst open. "Kids I'm home" my dad was at the front door.

Chase pulled away straight away and I stood up and ran to my dad. "Daddy" I leaped into his arms like a 5 year old.

"Hey buttercup, I've missed you"

"I missed you much more" I was still holding onto him.

"Where's Amanda?" My dad's were scanning the living room.

"She's staying at Scottie's tonight"

"Well he's parents better be home, I don't want them doing anything silly together"

"Dad, there just friends, and of course his parents are there" I explained.

"You kids hungry?" He asked looking at me and Chase.

Me and chase both nodded then followed my dad into the kitchen. "So why have you been working late for the past two nights sir?" Chase asked as he took a seat on the bench stool.

"There's been a murder, so I've been staying late at the station along with the other sheriffs trying to figure out who's the killer" my dad answered.

"But why is it so important? Lots of people die everyday" i probably sound like a heartless women but I'm curious.

"It's because this killer has been leaving the an iris on all the victims body's"

"So this isn't the first time the killers killed?" Chase asked.

"Well I'm sure it's not a coincidence that every 1 week we are getting calls from people saying they have found a dead body with an iris over them" my dad explained.

"Weird" I mumbled.

"Ok enough about my work, it's not important right now" my dad changed the subject.

After we ate I looked at the time and realised it's 12:30am! I got off my stool and ran to kiss my dad goodnight. Chase walked up with me since he was going to bed too.



"About earlier, before your dad walked in, I j-ust... I wanna s-say I'm sorry...." He stuttered.

"It's ok" I smiled. "Goodnight Chase"

"Night" he smiled back and went into his room.

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