Chapter 13 - Complications

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Chapter 13 - Complications

"What the hell? You kissed him while he was in your bed?!" Amanda re asked what I had told her. She was stunned, and I didn't blame her.

"What about Brent?" She reminded me. I like Brent, he's sweet and funny but I've always liked Chase first, but now what do I do? Does Chase even like me? Did the kiss mean anything to him? I don't know anything!

"I know, you think I don't already know" I snapped and stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

I hated Mondays, they were all always so lazy for me.

I was walking in the hallway towards my English class when I bumped into someone. "I'm so sor- Brent!" I squealed. "Hey gorgeous" he smiled and hugged me. "How are your grandparents?" I asked after he let go. "There better" he shrugged.

"That's good to hear" I smiled. "I really missed you Eve" aww how cute he's nicknamed me.

"I missed you too" it's true I did kinda miss him. I don't know what to do, I like Brent but I also like Chase, things are just so damn complicated.

"You ok?" Brent eyes filled with concern. I just smiled and nodded.

We walked hand in hand towards my next class, he stopped outside of my class and pulled me closer to his body. He wrapped his arms around me and enveloped me into a hug. "Have a wonderful class gorgeous, I'll see you later"

I walked into Mrs Walker's class. Chase and Amanda were both in this class so I walked and sat between them both.

Mrs Walker was always late to class so I wasn't worried that I walked in late because I knew she wouldn't be there. So now all the class was chatting to each other before she walked in.

"Hey" Chase smiled. I was hypnotised by his smile for a few seconds before I replied to his greeting.

Finally Mrs Walker walked in and everyone went quiet. She began teaching and I just tuned her out and began day dreaming.

Just then I heard Chase's soothing voice. "You ok?"

I turn to face him and just nodded. I always seem to feel hypnotised when I look into his beautiful eyes.

Finally the final bell rang and I just wanted to go home and clear my head. Since when did my life get so complicated?

I walked out of Mrs Walkers classroom followed by Chase and Amanda. They were busy talking about who knows what when I spotted Brent at the end of the hallway with his friends. He saw me and his mouth curved into a cute smile and he winked at me. I blushed and looked down. God what is wrong with me? I can't be doing this, I need to make up my mind, I can't toy around with two boys who I like.

"Hellllooo?" Amanda's voice interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Sorry, I was daydreaming"

"Yeah, you've been doing that a lot today" she began walking beside me and Chase was following behind us.

We walked passed Brent and he immediately walked up to me and gave me a hug. My body stiffened because I felt awkward knowing Chase was right behind me.

"Wanna hang out at the mall later? We can grab smoothies and watch a movie at the cinemas?"

"Umm, I-umm,... Kinda just wanna stay home tonight, have a family night" I stuttered like a stupid idiot and I could tell by the look on Brent's face that he was disappointed. "Yeah no worries, I guess we can do it some other time" he sounded a little hurt but he quickly smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

God I am so horrible. "Okaaaay" my sister said awkwardly and I got the point that this was an awkward situation for them too.

"Bye" I waved to Brent and began walking again with Amanda and Chase.

We got to Amanda's car and drove home. Once we finally pulled up into our driveway I quickly stumbled out of the car and into our house. As I entered I heard my dad arguing with someone.

"Daddy?" I called and he quickly popped out of the kitchen. He was talking on the phone to someone but he looked really angry I was scared.

"What's wrong?" Amanda asked looking worried. "I don't know" I answered.

He continued yelling into the phone for about a minute before he hung up.

"Dad what's wrong?!" Amanda asked as soon as he hung up.

"Nothing for you to worry about" was his answer. He didn't look normal to me, he was really red and he looked stressed.

"Dad, you can tell us anything, you know that" I rested my hand slightly on his shoulder for comfort.

"Baby it's just work stuff, my boss has been really getting on my nerves lately that's all" he sounded upset. I felt so bad, I kissed him and hugged him "don't be upset, if your boss is a pain in the ass then he's an ass, the main thing is we all know you are doing such an incredible job at work, and at home with us, you need to take it easy on yourself daddy, please"

"Thanks buttercup, you always make me feel better" he smiled and gave me another hug.

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