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Before you Read: In this fanfiction some characters are altered and some situations which did not happen in books or movies are placed. While reading please remember this is a FANFICTION. Don't compare in with movies or books. Also this is my first own fanfiction so spare any writing mistake but suggestions are welcome.! :) Enjoy!! :)

Resfaber :
The restlessness of traveller's heart before the journey begins



'Take my arm' the old man said offering his arm.

'Sir, I thought you couldn't apparate within Hogwarts!'

'Well, Being me has its privileges'

Harry grabbed Dumbledore's arm and in an instant they both vanished.

The pair of dark eyes was watching all this from behind the corner pillar of the astronomy tower.

* * *

Draco was sitting on his window side. His room was starting to fill with the moonlight which danced on one side of his face. His features had become so protruding in last two years. His jaw was sharp; his cheekbones started to appear high since he had lost pretty much weight this year. He was under stress the whole year. The bags under his eyes were clear sign that he'd been sleep deprived. His face was paler and had worn expression of nothingness.

He was watching the changing wind. It made him feel strange. The sudden heavy wind blew into the Dean's forest and made loud rustling sound and then there was silence. No night ever seemed so terrifying to him but something in his gut told him that something is wrong. Just then the phials on his night stand started to Glow bright. It was given to him by Snape at the beginning of year. He got up and looked at the letters which had appeared on the phials.

"It's time. At midnight"

He felt sharp pang in his chest. Hundred thoughts crashed in his mind. His fingers began to tremble. It was time. Time finish the task, which he was supposed to do since the beginning of sixth year. The task Dark Lord had given to him. He had to do it. There was no turning back now. It had to be done. And it had to be him to do it or.... he stopped at this thought.

He got dressed into his black shirt, trousers and jacket. He took his wand from table and sat next to window again. There was only 3 hours wait till midnight and then it would begin. He was watching the moon as dark clouds started to fill the clear sky. His mind went back to his pool of thoughts.

His life was going to change after midnight. It was almost changed when he got the Dark mark but after tonight he would be a known Death Eater. People would start to fear him. Well, isn't that he always wanted? He thought to himself. And to his dismay the answer came 'No'.

Yes, he had teased and tormented kids in his school. He was a bully but not a killer. He did not want to kill. He had never wished to be known as killer. He never wanted people to fear him. No. It was Lucius. He had taught him that if you want to be powerful then people must fear you. Whatever things Lucius held as honor and pride, Draco's mind always seemed to question it. No wonder he always received such harsh punishments from Lucius. His father always said how disappointed he is in him, and he is a disgrace to Malfoy name. Over the years, he developed strong urge to prove himself to his father, and that had brought him here, to this night. He was now few hours away from becoming a murderer. He cursed his father.

There was sudden sound of flapping wings near his window and Draco looked out and saw an owl,as white as snow, flying into the darkness which was approaching towards Hogwarts. He knew whose it was. It was Potter's.

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