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A low rumble of distant thunder. 

After Harry buried Dobby he came back to the shell cottage. Bill was tending to Mr. Olivander's and Luna's wounds. Fleur and Lavender were in kitchen. Ron was in an arm chair gazing into the fireplace. Griphook was sitting in a chair near window away from the rest. 

Harry was standing in doorway looking at them. All of them were here, in this situation because of him. Hermione was tortured and taken away, god knows where because of him. He could not just stand there and leave her in the hands of death eaters. He must get back to her. Right away. He turned to leave when he saw a red head female standing right behind him. He was startled to see Ginny. 

'Harry' She gasped, not believing her eyes for moment and then she rushed into his arms. Harry was too shocked to respond but hugged her back as soon as he heard her sob. 

'Ginny?' She pulled away from Harry when she heard Ron.

She ran and hugged him too. 'Ginny, what are you doing here?' Ron asked in disbelief. 'Does mum know you're here?' He asked looking and Ginny and then Bill.

'No' She replied sheepishly. 

'What?' Ron almost shouted. 'Bill?' he looked at him expecting answers as to why their little sister was away from burrow without their mother knowing. 

'I ran away' Ginny stepped in before Bill could say anything. 'I ran away while boarding Hogwarts express. I told mum that I was staying in school but I came here to help.'

'What? Are you insane? How did you even know about this place?'

'I had heard mum and dad talking about it before I left for school.'

'You mean you eavesdropped.' Bill piped up.

'Anyway, there was no Dumbledore's army left in Hogwarts and I knew we were short on order members.  I asked Nevil to join me but he refused.'

'She helps fluer and me sometimes. We move undercover.' Bill said.

'How could you agree to this? She's our little sister.' Ron demanded, his voice higher than before.

'Yes, I know that.' Bill roared. 'But I can't force my opinion on her. She decided to stay and help. And you know the day isn't far when we'll all have to fight.'

No one spoke for moment. Ginny looked around searching and then asked Harry, 'Where is Hermione?' He averted his gaze from her and kept looking at his feet. Bill and Fluer sensed that something was wrong, so did Ginny. 'Where is Hermione?' She asked again, this time to Ron. None of the two said a syllable. 'Merlin, somebody tell me where is 'Mione?' she yelled getting impatient every moment. Fear gripped her when everyone refused to answer her still. 'Did something happened to her?' She asked, her voice almost a cry. 

'She was taken away when we were trapped in Malfoy Manor' finally Lavender answered. Fleur gasped and Ginny went pale at those words. 

'What? What happened?' It was Billy's turn to ask on behalf of his sister. 

'We were locked away in the dungeon when Bellatrix tortured Hermione', Harry's blood began to boil when Lavender was recalling the earlier events. 'We planned an escape, but- before we got there, she was taken away by Greyback.'

'WHAT?' Bill almost jumped at that name. 'Fenrir Greyback took Hermione?'

Lavender nodded.

'Merlin. That's not good.' Bill whispered as he recalled his encounter with Greyback along with souvenir scar on his once charming face. 

Ginny dropped in the sofa and began sobbing. 

Harry could not take it any longer. He had to go back and find her. Bring her to safety. She had done so much for him and at the end she was the one who got hurt. He made up his mind and turned to leave. 

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