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A state of torment created by the sudden sight of one's own misery. A feeling of regret or remorse for doing wrong.

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"Good evening Draco! What brings you here on this fine spring evening?"

"Who else is here? I heard you talking." Draco enquired. His wand was pointed at Dumbledore. His hands were trembling. Dumbledore could see the distress on his face clearly.

"I've been talking out loud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful."

Draco believed him. The man always seemed complete bonkers to him.

"Have you been whispering to yourself, Draco?"

Draco was taken aback at that question. How did the man know he was talking to himself before? Replaying all his memories from past, all the decisions he had made, and questioning his whole life? He was now losing control of his mind.

"Draco, you are no assassin!" said the old man with desperation in his tone.

This statement was enough to make Draco's mind unhinge.

"How do you know what I am?" Draco yelled, Unable to control his rage. "I've done things that would shock you!"

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return she'd bare a curse necklace to me, like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison. Forgive me Draco, but I cannot help feeling these actions are so weak that your heart can't really have been in them. "

Draco was breathing heavily now. The fear had taken over his anger. He really did not want to kill him. He desperately wanted to get out of this situation. But his father's face came into before his eyes. "I'm so disappointed in you Draco" Lucius's voice was playing in his mind. Then came the dark Lord's serpentine eyes and air left his lungs.

"You don't have to prove yourself to anyone Draco. You are not defined by opinions of your father or anyone for that matter. Your choices define you. Draco, Let me help you."

Draco realised that his occlumency skills were completely down and Dumbledore was in his mind. He wanted to believe him. What wouldn't he do to change everything that has happened. Everything that he has done. He was regretting it now. But it was too late.

"You can't help me." Draco cried, " I was chosen..." He pulled his sleeve up to show him his dark mark.

"I shall make it easier for you then-"Dumbledore lifted his hands in air to show his defeat but Draco thought he was going to attack him, and in reflex he shot a spell at him.


"Draco -..." Dumbledore began but stopped as heard sounds below the staircase. "-You are not alone, there are others, how?"

"The vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement. I've been mending it. "

"Yes! It has a sister between-"

" -Borgin and Berks. They form a passage." His heart was beating rapidly. The other death eaters were here. He was wondering if Dumbledore would play some trick and beat other death eaters with wandless magic or something. He was a great wizard. Voldemort feared him, that's why he arranged to assassinate him. But why wasn't he trying to escape. Surely he was able to, But if he did escape? then-

"Ingenious. Draco, years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please, let me help you."

"Don't you understand? " He said through his gritted teeth. "I have to do this. I have to kill you, or... or he is gonna kill me." Draco looked defeated. His words sounded like cries through his choked throat. Tears were close to make their way down.

"Look what we have here" a Feminine voice called. Draco looked over his shoulder, keeping his wand pointed at Dumbledore. It was Bellatrix. "Well done, Draco!" She said as she came close to him and kissed his cheek. He felt disgusted by her touch. Her voice was icy cold. He never liked her aunt. He felt strong urge to hex her every time she opened her mouth. But he wouldn't dare because she was way too powerful and ruthless.

"Do it!" She hissed at Draco. His fingers over wand were now sweating.

"He doesn't have the Stomach. Just like his father."

Draco grew red as he heard these words from Fenrir Greyback. Filthy werewolf. He thought.

"I'll finish him with my own way-" Greyback said and tried to take step forward but stopped as Bellatrix shouted at him.

"NO. The Dark Lord's given the task to the Boy." She turned to Draco. "This is your moment, Do it."

Draco was now terrified. His face turned white. His feet was so cold they went numb. His surrounding started to spin. He thought it was a nightmare. He hoped that it was. Any moment he would wake up and everything will only be a bad memory. But another yell from Bellatrix made him come back to reality.

"Go on Draco, NOW"

He knew the spell. Lucius had told him about all the unforgivable curses in second year. Two words and it will be over. But for unforgivables to work, one must really mean them. They would work only if one really wants to hurt the person. But Draco didn't. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't muster the willingness to kill. A tear finally fell from his eye. He was looking at the old wizard. There was no fear on his face. He still looked like the same headmaster. Always willing to help.

"No." A calm voice came from behind, Draco looked back and saw Snape.

There was a silence. Bellatrix was watching with smirk on her face. She knew what was going to happen.

"Severus, Please." Dumbledore finally said, breaking the silence.

Snape removed his wand with swift action and cast a spell at Dumbledore,


There was a splash of green light and next thing Draco saw was Dumbledore falling off of railing.

Headmaster was dead. Snape had killed him.

Draco was shocked. He never thought Snape had it in him. He always thought of him as unsuccessful, surly teacher.

"Go." Snape commanded.

Bellatrix blew spell in sky before they began to climb down the stairs.

"Morsmordre" she yelled, and The Dark mark appeared in the sky. Draco looked as the green skull appeared in the sky. It opened his mouth and came out a snake. Draco was now terrified. Bellatrix's maniacal laugh was rising when she was destroying the castle as they made their way out of tower.

They were getting out of castle as he saw from afar, Dumbledore's body lay on ground and a boy was hovering over his dead body. Other two were trying to calm him. He knew who they were. Suddenly a girl looked up and saw straight towards him for some seconds and then went back to his friend on the ground. He couldn't make out the expression on her face, but he knew she was angry, and disappointed. The remorse had started to fill his heart.

They were now approaching towards Forbidden Forest. They came near Hagrid's Hut. Bellatrix set it on fire, and began her psychotic laugh. She seemed rather induced by fire.

"Let's go Draco" Bellatrix said to him with a wicked smile.




This chapter is very much like the scene from movie, but it was necessary to build the plot of story.

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