9. Chase

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Seeing Xenophilus was not an easy job. Since they were seen by Nagini, it was known to Voldemort and Death eaters that Harry Potter is still in the country. The exits were tightly regulated and the death eaters were now more furiously running their search for the boy who lived. They were under the tight radar now. They were planning their visit for two days. Hermione was insisting on using polyjuice potion but they were too low on supplies and besides Xenophilius would not give any information to stranger. 

'Harry, I still think we should use polyjuice potion, I may be able to estimate its longetivity this time!'

'Hermione.. We've talked about this. He won't even let us in if he doesn't see actual me. And besides, we don't have enough ingredients. Since Ron has left, it's difficult to keep watch and still gather supplies'

Hermione's eyes shot up at the mention of Ron's name. They hadn't spoken about Ron in weeks. Not even uttered his name. Her face fell immediately as she recalled the previous incident.

Harry looked at her and realized his mistake.  He also felt little uneasy. Ron's name sounded so strange in his voice. 

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-'

'It's okay.' she stood up, and went to packing. They were going to leave early tomorrow. Hermione volunteered for night watch but Harry declined. Hermione finished her last preparations and went to bed. 

Her mind was still running with thoughts of Ron. She wondered where he would be? Did he even care how Harry and Hermione were doing. She thought he probably went to his family. But her heart refused to accept that. Will she ever see him again? Tears started running down her cheeks at the thought of never seeing him again. 

Harry was trying hard to not think about what had happened with him and Ron. But earlier mention of Ron just broke all the mental barriers, he had built over many weeks. He was still mad at him for leaving, but he missed his best friend. He went on that memory over and over again, wishing every time that he could change it. Harry was with Hermione, but Ron was all alone. He feared for his friend's life. 

'Damn it Ron! Where are you?' Harry muttered to himself. 

After few hours Harry went back inside the tent to wake up Hermione, but she was already up. As they were about to leave, he heard a noise from outside. He immediately pulled Hermione by her hand and took out the wand. They were completely frozen. So afraid, they didn't move an inch. Harry could feel Hermione's pounding heartbeats behind his back. Suddenly the air inside tent changed. It wasn't warm as before. Hermione realised that their disillusionment charm was now faded and they had to act quickly. They needed to disappear now, before anyone could discover them. But before she could make a move, a sudden breeze swept through the entrance of tent and a person barged in. 

'Finally, Found you' panting, the person spoke.

Harry and Hermione were in complete shock at the sight before them. It was Ron. They all stood at same spot just staring at each other in complete silence. After few heavy breaths Ron began taking step towards them. That's when Harry spoke, pointing the wand at him.

'Wait, don't come any closer. Answer me first.' Harry said, still pointing his wand at him.
Ron looked at him in utter confusion.

'When is your mother's birthday?' Harry asked.

'What?' Ron was expecting him to hex or yell at him but Harry's question took him by surprise. 

'I have to make sure you're not an imposter!' Harry replied, tightning his grip around the wand. 'Now, answer.'

Ron's face went funny combination of red and green at Harry's words.

'Aghh... bloody hell. Ahh, December...? No.. no.. March 28th? No.. Oh bloody hell.. I'm sorry.. , I forgot Harry. But.. but I  swear it's me-'

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