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The portkey had apparated them outside the Malfoy Manor. They stopped at the huge black gate. The wards around the Manor were up. It had started raining heavily now. The howling wind and crackling thunder made the night seem dreadful. The storm that everyone feared, had finally arrived.

A cloaked figure approached the gate from inside. He pulled off his hood, and glanced at the group through the bars.

'Open the bloody gate, Dolohov!' Spat Bellatrix.

Dolohov lifted the wards and opened the gate.

Draco glanced at the man as they entered. He was taller than him. His pale face was twisted in manner which made him look deranged. He was one of Voldemort's most trusted and superior Death eaters. Draco had seen other death eaters like Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Gibbon, Avery. But this man, he certainly appeared more menacing than others. Draco had never seen him before but had heard of his felonies.

They were walking through the passage of Manor which lead towards the great hall. They crossed two more death eaters whom Draco had not seen before. So many death eaters in the Manor, Draco wondered. There weren't many before because Manor was on top list of Ministry's raid list. His worst fears came true as he reached the Great hall.

There were around fifty death eaters gathered in a hall. They were all looking at the figure in center which was standing in front of fireplace. His back was facing them all. Draco's heart stopped as he saw it. He knew who it was. Voldemort was here. In the manor. In his home. In an instant his eyes went searching for his mother in the crowd. He had to know if she was safe. She was a death eater but when it came to Voldemort, none were safe. His eyes spotted her after he heard a woman gasp.


The blond woman was standing beside a tall man. Draco would not have recognized him if his mother had not been clinging to the man's arm. Lucius. The man appeared different. He looked so thin as if he had not eaten in months. His eyes were covered in black circles which were clear sign of stress. Instead of typical Malfoy condescending expression, fear had spread all over his face.

'Welcome Draco.... Welcome...' the dark lord said as he turned and saw Draco.

'M...My Lord!' Draco tried to say as he gulped.

'I hope you are here because your assignment is complete!'


'Dumbledore is dead, my lord' said Bellatrix, bowing her head as she spoke.

His serpentine eyes reflected a gleam of victory at her statement.

'Well done Draco... Well done.'

'It was Snape, my lord.' Spoke Thorfinn Rowle.

The dark lord looked over at the lot with questioning eyes, hinting for more explanation.

'Draco did not kill Dumbledore my lord, Snape shot the killing curse.' Bellatrix informed with nervous sigh.

Draco's eyes were fixed on the wooden floor. He could not dare think to look up. He could feel dark lord's penetrating gaze on him. His hands were twitching. Even in the declining temperature of room, his forehead was damped with sweat.

'And why such need occurred?' Voldemort's voice was now sharp.

'He could not do it, my lord.' Greyback replied. 'He has no spine, just like his puny father.' He spat, as he looked at Lucius with a sneer.

'That means the boy has failed.' He said in a dangerously low voice as he looked at Draco and then turned his gaze at Lucius.

'Forgive me, my lord...' Narcissa stepped up and spoke. Everybody looked up to see who dare spoke to dark lord now .The woman was insanely courageous. She had the nerve to interrupt a conversation with dark lord, but she knew what was going to happen with her son. She had to protect him. "I wish to speak on my son's behalf." She said lowering her gaze.

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