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A particular period of time in history or someone's life.

Draco came running down the stairs of cellar. He noticed wormtail was about to cast a jinx at Harry.

'Wormtail', He barked.

Wormtail turned around. 'Take the Goblin. My aunt requires him. I will take care of this'


"GO" Draco shouted once more and Wormtail dragged  the Goblin behind him out of the cellar, mumbling curses under his breath. Just as he left, Draco came charging towards Harry, "What the hell, Potter?" He spat, "How the hell did you get here? What were you thinking?",he spoke in low voice.  

Before Harry or anyone could answer a loud cry of agony echoed in the cellar. They all looked up, knowing whose scream it was. 

"Hermione" Ron whispered and pounced on Draco but Lavender held him back. "You let her go Malfoy, just let her go or I swear to god, I will kill you."

"You're not really in any position to make threats Weasley, so stay quiet."and he turned to Harry,  whose face was slowly getting to it's original shape. "Never mind how you got here," he said, voiding  his previous questions, "You need to get out of here." He looked out of cellar to make sure no one else heard him say that. 

"Wait, What are you playing at Malfoy? " Harry asked, unsure of his intentions.

"I'm not playing you Potter, I'm offering you help." Draco replied, trying to maintain his composure.

"Help? Huh!" Ron scoffed, "You  didn't seem very helpful a while ago now,did you? So no. We don't want your help."

Ignoring Ron's comment, Draco continued to speak to Harry, trying to sound as convincing as possible, " Look, I can get you out of here, just do as I say." Harry still was eyeing him with doubt. 

"We're not doing anyth-" Ron was saying when another scream echoed through the dark walls of old Malfoy manor's cellar. The scream caused a shiver down Draco's spine. They were running out of time, and he was unable to convince the lot. But he couldn't blame them. How could he? After everything they've been through. It was impossible that they would believe him. Hell, he wouldn't believe himself either. 

"Look, you don't have much time, you-"

"Why you want to help us Malfoy? Why now?" Harry asked straight forward. Draco couldn't say that he wasn't anticipating this question, but yet it took him by surprise, 

"I.. I.. " he couldn't seem to form a proper answer. Though he knew exactly why. Because Potter and the trio was the only ones who could set everything right but he did not want to admit it. Especially not to Potter. "Why does it matter? You want to get out or not?" So he asked instead. 

Harry was looking at Draco's desperate attempts to help them. He was wondering what his true purpose was? Was he honestly trying to help them? At first Harry thought he was definitely playing them but he saw the look in Draco's eyes at Hermione's scream. His face may be have been betraying him, but his eyes confirmed that he really wanted to help. 

Another shriek came from above, it was Bellatrix's this time, throwing cruciatus at Hermione. 

Draco's face went pale. His every attempt was going in vain and he was going to fail at saving Hermione too. 

"What's your plan, Malfoy?" Harry asked. Draco's head snapped up in surprise. "How can you help us?" Harry asked, looking completely helpless. Draco couldn't recognize him for second. The Harry bloody Potter, who always wore proud and brave look on his face, looked so lost and vulnerable.

Labyrinth ^ A Dramione fanfiction^Where stories live. Discover now