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Continuous torment or anguish of a person.

Draco's eyes were closed. He had placed his hands on the wall and warm water was falling over him. He took a deep breath and tried to relax but earlier events of evening was playing in his mind over and over. The picture of Rodolphus's dead body, the way little girls' parents were begging for their girl, the sound of Rodolphus' maniacal laugh as he hit the little girl and finally the little girl and her big brown eyes and her loud cry. Draco's eyes flew wide open at that last memory. He realized his breathing was heavy and he was shivering under hot water.

He took a deep breath and turned off the tap. He stepped out of shower, rapping towel over his lower body. He cleared the moisture from the mirror and looked at the reflection. The person in the mirror somehow looked different. The person looked more lost than ever. What was happening to him? He always despised mudbloods and wished death upon them but now he wanted all this murdering to stop. He wanted the dark mark and felt that it was a great honor but now the mark felt more like a curse. He was given a task to kill a man but he couldn't do it and now he had killed his own uncle. Draco didn't know what he wanted anymore.

Draco spared a one last glance at his reflection and stepped out of the bathroom. He took his wand from the night stand and cast a warming spell in the room. His eyes went to the clothes he was wearing earlier. The envelope was slightly peeking out of his jacket pocket. He remembered his conversation with Blaise. He wanted to know what was inside but Narcissa had forbade him. He went to get the envelope and placed it on table and threw the dirty clothes in the laundry bag.

He turned around to face the door when he heard it crack open. Before he could told them to wait, the door flew open and a lady burst into his room, quickly turning to close the door. Draco was shocked when she turned and faced him.

It was Bellatrix. His eyes immediately went looking for his wand which was on the night stand. What the hell is she doing here? Bursting into my room like that! He looked at her and saw what she was holding in her hand. What the fuck! His brows furrowed when he saw two bottles of firewhisky in her hand.

"My, my... " she said eyeing him up and down as she began walking closer to him.

Draco felt disgusted at the way she eyed him. He wanted to yell at her and tell her to get lost but he knew she wouldn't listen like that. He turned to get his clothes from closet but she grabbed him by his arm and stopped him.

"Aunt Bella, what are you doing?" Draco spoke through his gritted teeth. Anger beginning to pile up inside him. Her presence it's self was repulsive to him.

"Well, I didn't want to be alone tonight. I thought you could join me!" She said batting her long eyelashes at him. She ran her long fingers up and down on his arm. This time trying to touch his ripped torso.

"I'm sure mother is free in her chambers. Perhaps you would prefer her company than mine." He said flatly removing his arms from her grasp and took a step back trying to keep as much distance between them as possible.
Not waiting for her response, he turned to get his clothes but Bellatrix circled him and blocked his way to the cupboard. Draco stopped in his track. He took a step back when Bellatrix stepped towards him. The moment she stepped into his room, he realized why was she there . This was not the first time she had done something like that.

"Well I'd rather have you tonight" she said as she played with the her dress, undoing knots of her robe.

"Well, I'm busy." Draco said keeping his sharp gaze on her face.

"Are you sure?" She looked at Draco with lustful eyes as she undid her last knot and dropped her robe on the ground. She stood in front of him, completely naked.

He remained silent. His eyes still on her face. He did not anticipate her to do something like this. Had he only looked at her, he would have known that she was indeed sexy. Her body had perfect curves on right places. She had long luring legs. Her wild hair was dangling near her long neck. Her large bosoms were tight and firm. Apart from her maniacal face her body was indeed arousing to any man.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Because I am sure you can put it to better use instead of talking." Bellatrix licked her upper lip, stepping closer to Draco.

Bellatrix had sexually assaulted him before. Especially when she was training him since the begining of this year. The first time she tried to molest him was when she came into the Malfoy manor in his fifth year after Christmas. During his duel training in the beginning of sixth year, she tried to fondle him many times.

"It's getting late, aunt Bella, I think you should go rest in your chambers." Draco said flatly, not removing his gaze from her face.

She ignored his answer and before Draco could move she closed the distance between them. Her one hand went to remove the towel wrapped around him and other went to touch his bulge. He stopped her by catching her both wrists in time. He was now completely furious.
Bellatrix's patience was thining . She wanted him, for so long. She had waited for the perfect moment. This moment and She was not going to let it go now. She was free. Her husband was dead. She was married to Rodolphus through unbreakable vow. She could not cheat on him else she would have died. But now she could do whatever she want. She could finally feed her lust.
"Ohhh... Draco.... You know you want to..." She whispered as she leant towards his face.
Draco was trying really hard not to lose his temper. He was sick of this woman. He was sick of her games and her molestation. Without breaking the eye contact, he pushed her away with her wrists and rammed her into the wall. His penetrating gaze was dripping with anger.
"That's it. I knew you had it in you. " Bellatrix spoke as she got more aroused by his action.
"You will stay away from me. Do you understand? " Draco said in dangerously low voice.
Bellatrix snapped at his words. She had terrible mood swings after all.
"How dare yo-"
"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" His words had a threatening edge.
"Look who's threatening now. You are nothing but a pussy, just like your father" Bellatrix spat.
Draco's eyes went dark at those words. His right hand which was holding her wrist suddenly came around her throat. She struggled to remove his hand but his grip was getting stronger. She was choking and struggling to get out of his hold.
Something had happened to him. He was definitely a different person now. More vicious, more rebellious, more hostile.
"I will kill you, if you come near me again."
Bellatrix didn't miss the darkness in his eyes which conveyed his potential to actually deliver his words. She realized that he may not have been able to kill before,but the person before her had every strength to do so. This was not the frightful Draco with whom she had her fun. No, this person was now someone else. He was more content and definitely fearsome.
His grip on her throat was getting stronger every second. She wished she had her wand. If she had, then this little game would have been over by now. She underestimated him and had left her wand in her chambers.

Her gaze shifted to the night stand over his shoulder and spotted Draco's wand.
"Okay!!" Her voice broke.
Draco removed her hand and took few steps back. She was about to grab his wand when her dark mark began to burn. The sensation was tremendous, indicating she was needed right away. She decided to save the thought of cursing Draco and grabbed her robe. She fixed him with vengeful look before she left his room.

Draco sat down on edge of his bed. He dropped his head in his hands. Everything came crashing down on him as he realized what had just happened and what he had done. He had just insulted and threatened one of the most dangerous and ruthless death eater. Bellatrix was not going to forget this. He knew she was going to pay him back for today. What the fuck was happening to his life? Everything was getting out of his control. Everything was slipping from his hands along with his life.

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