10. OPIA

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The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable. 

The bar was almost empty when Blaise entered. He looked around for familiar blonde haired man but couldn't spot him. He turned to bartender and enquired. The bartender pointed at the dark corner where a hooded man sat. Blaise went near him.

'Didn't know you could drink under the table',Blaise said and chuckled, when he noticed half dozen bottles of firewhisky and rum glasses on the table.

Blaise waited for him to reply but none came. Blaise realized something was wrong. Though Draco had changed since he left school in many ways but he would never keep quiet when he could easily retort back. 'What happened mate?'Blaise asked,'C'mon man, talk to me!'

Draco gulped down the glass and sniffed. 'She's dead.'

'Who?' Balise asked.

Draco's jaw clenched when he recalled the incident of earlier evening. Draco was patrolling near the borders. It was Blaise's job but he had some important errand from Andromeda so Draco vouched for him. It would have raised suspicion if he was found doing some lowly work so he had covered himself in thick hooded cloak along with his death eater mask. When he got near the canals, he found something floating in open drainage. He managed to levitate it up from the muddy water and on to the ground. 

He was petrified, when he saw what it was. It was the little girl he had saved in Diagon Alley. She was drenched in mud and filth. Her clothes were ripped off along with her right hand. Draco's blood began to boil at the sight before him. The girl was brutally rapped and murdered and thrown in the swamp. He pulled off his clock and covered her body. He looked at her eyes. Those big brown eyes. He couldn't bare to look at them even now. It felt as though, those lifeless eyes were still accusing him, feared him, detested him. He felt ashamed and guilty. He thought he was somewhat responsible for what had happened. He had failed, yet again.

'The girl I had saved in Diagon Alley.' finally looking at Blaise.

'What? How did you-' Blaise wondered.

'I found her corpse.' Draco replied and took another sip.

'And her parents?' Blaise asked and Draco shook his head.

'Just her.'


'I know who did it, Blaise.' Draco said after few moments.

'What?Who?'Blaise was shocked to hear this.

'Fenrir Greyback.' Draco spat.

'Are you sure?' Blaise was skeptical about this accusation.

'Her face was covered in claw marks and her neck was covered in werewolf bites.' Draco hissed. Anger and disgust, dripping from every word he spoke.

Blaise wanted to continue but stopped when he looked at Draco's bloodshot eyes. He had never seen him so angry. They seemed so threatning, Blaise decided not to say anything or he might drew out Draco's wrath upon himself. 

They both sat quietly for few moments. Suddenly Draco's Malfoy ring began heating up,burning the skin under it. It meant only one thing, he was needed at Malfoy Manor right away. 

'I have to go.' Draco sat up, put out few galleons on the table and began walking away.

Blaise didn't understand what happened. He called out after him,'Where are you going?'

Draco replied without looking back,'The Manor.'


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