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nahee was startled when someone tapped on her shoulder.

"nahee, what are you daydreaming about? it's our wedding reception!" shihyun said, looking expectantly at her.

only then did nahee realise she was reminiscing on the happenings of many years ago.

"honestly how did i fall in love with you and your lame ass puns?" nahee said, suddenly aware of the crowd of people milling around at the wedding reception.

"c'mon, you know that you and i are mint to be." shihyun said, pointing at the dessert section. they had made mints a treat at the reception just like the one at the wedding they met.

"wow, i hate you so much." she rolled her eyes.

"you have no idea how long i've wanted to make that pun again." he mumbled.

"what have i gotten myself into?" nahee said, dramatically clutching her chest.

just then, some people came over to congratulate them and they had to smile and stop teasing each other. after they left, shihyun and nahee went back to their normal selves.

"how do i get myself out of this marriage?" nahee whispered to shihyun.

"its too late, you're stuck with me forever." shihyun leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"oh! look at that! seonho's mum is dragging him all over and introducing him to people. remember?" nahee looked at shihyun and they both scrunched their noses at each other.

"who knows? he might meet the love of his life?" shihyun commented.

on the other side of the hall, seonho grumbled as his mother brought him around the hall, introducing him to relatives and friends.

he couldn't care less until he laid eyes on a tall boy in a suit and glasses. he felt his heart leap up into his throat.

"hi, im yoo seonho." he introduced himself.

"im lai guanlin."


and thus, wedding has come to an end! thank you for loving funny and handsome shihyun. this story which was an absolute joke honestly but thank you so much for reading! ♡

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