As bad as the house had looked under the moonlight, it managed to look even worse under the light of day. The early morning sunshine had given rise to clouds and wind and the threat of rain. They drove on to the property and closed the gate behind them.
"It looks pretty much the same," Bobby said.
"Let's head out to the pumphouse," Carrie replied.
It was a narrow path between fields of harvested potatoes.
There was a copse of trees and in the centre snaked a narrow creek that tumbled across the property. Across the creek was a narrow wooden bridge with two cement pillars an the far side. They crossed, single file with Bobby in the lead and Carrie close behind. She searched her feelings for any sort of sense of darkness, but there was none.
When Bobby stepped past the pillars a flock of birds leapt from the trees raising a great noise in caws and the beating of wings.
"I think we just tripped the alarm," he said.
"What do you mean?" Carrie said.
"If you look you'll see posts at the cardinal points."
"Then this is all a big circle of protection?"
"Or of summoning," Bobby said.
Beyond the copse of trees was a meadow. The soil had lay fallow for a few years. In the middle was a small shack. It was made out of cinder block with an old tin roof. It didn't look particularly cozy. Concrete walls, one door, no windows... not exactly the ritz. There was a hasp on the door, but no lock. Bobby tried the door but it was bolted from the inside.
"That's a sign," he said.
She pulled a pen and a small notepad. She wrote something in strange characters and slipped it under the door.
"Runes?" Bobby asked, wondering if it was some sort of strange magic.
She shook her head.
"No, We'll see," and then she thought for a moment.
See. Hmm... is there anywhere they might be able to see us at?"
"Scrying? I guess.. "
"You would think if they were going to hole up someplace they would want to be able to see."
Just then a little red winged black bird perched itself on the edge of the room. It hopped about and they were so distracted they almost didn't hear the bolt slide open on the door.
Bobby opened it slowly and came face to face with the barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun. Crystal had it on her shoulder, with her finger on the trigger.
Bobby put his hands in the air "Hi Crystal," He said and backed out of the doorway.
"How do I know its really you?" she said, her voice hoarse as though she had been crying. Which made sense, she had a lot to cry about.
"你好我的大姐姐。我会说..." [ni hao, wo de da jie jie. wo hui shou] (Hello my big sister. I can speak...)
Crystal smiled an lowered the weapon, a little.
"中文," [Zhong Wen] (Chinese) Crystal replied.
"一点," [yi dian] (a little), Carrie replied.
Crystal walked towards them, handed Bobby the gun, threw her arms around her sister and wept.++++++
more to come. Up late and a wedding to go to tomorrow, but I have a few days off so I plan to expand how much I write.
Thanks again, I hope the story is keeping your interest.
Vampire Hunter: Corey Crowgarden's guide to killing vampires for fun and profit.
VampireA how-to guide for keeping the blood suckers at bay