Chapter 9 Part 3

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***At the dining hall***
Lisa: unni where did Rosé go? She seemed mad.
Jisoo: yah thats bad. Rosé is too soft of the inside. She can't coldly show her anger like us and thats what gets me worried. Some people might mistake her tears of frustration as her weakness. I don't want anyone to take advantage of her thinking she is weak.
Lisa: Ani unni. You know she will black-belt whoever tries to mess with her.
Jisoo: Its not a physical messing im worried about...but someone may try to take emotional advantage of her without even letting her know. I just dont want her to get hurt
Lisa: Well in that case I will black-belt that person😋😂
Jennie: Oh she texted. Shes at the dorm
Lisa: Arasso! Im gonna go put my plate up.
Lisa took her finished plate and started walking toward the sink area.Jungkook noticed her walking.
Jungkook: Hyung. Wait up ill be right back
He got up with his own plate and started walking toward the sink himself. Just as Lisa put her plate in the sink...
Jungkook: Hello maid-girl!
Lisa: Ugh. Why!
Jungkook: What have I done to deserve such harshness.
Lisa: Are you forreal rn?!

Counselor: Ok guys I need a volunteer to do the dishes. If no one volunteers im gonna have to call on someone! Come on! Take one for the team someone!
Jungkook: Lisa volunteers
Lisa: 😧....
Jungkook: 🙂😉
Counselor: Great! And since you Jungkook have been gracious enough to find us a volunteer I feel you should help her too!
Jungkook: 😧😕... are an actual mess...
Blackpink looked at Jungkook angrily and with pity toward Lisa but couldn't oppose the counselor while BTS just laughed at the silly maknae.
Lisa: God I hate you do much!
Jungkook: The feeling is mutual maid girl!
Lisa: OMG!! Stop calling me that!!

Lisa and Jungkook washed dishes in silence as the hall started clearing up when idols left. Suddenly...
Lisa: Ah!
Jungkook: Wae?! Omg your finger is blee-
Lisa: Ughh!! This is all your fault! Im here in the first place because of you! God I just...UGH!
Jungkook: Well i didnt make you cut your finger on the knife! Cant blame me for that!
Lisa: YES I CAN!😡😤😖

Counselor: YAH! You punks! Fighting again! That's enough! I warned you! But no! You know what good! You have so much energy so late at night then instead of going to bed you guys can walk to the main office and go receive my parcel after you're done with dishes!
He walked away in rage.
Jungkook and Lisa were too frustrated to even react at this point.

Just then Jungkook's phone buzzed. He nudged at it to see the lock screen and his expression slowly hardened. Lisa's brain drifted from angry to curious about what he had just received.
Na-un: Jungkook oppa I think im just gonna lea....what happened?
Jungkook: Nothing.
Na-un: Oppa wae?...
Jungkook: I said Nothing!
Na-un gave him an obviously unbeleiving look and took his phone. Her expression got more serious as well. Jungkook didn't bother to stop her.
Na-un: Are your eomma appa actually?
Jungkook: NA-UN-AH sshush!
Na-un: oppa should I stay with yo-
Jungkook: Just go. I need to be alone.
Na-um: arasso...then ill just...yah

Not daring to second Jungkook again Na-un left immediately.
Jungkook and Lisa were now all alone.
They finished washing their hands and started toward the main office 15 minutes away from the camp. Unlike normal Jungkook was completely silent. Lisa hated his annoying voice but seeing him this serious brought out the nicer side of her.
Lisa: Yah...are you ok?..
No response
Lisa: Listen ik we don't get along and what not...but...if there's something bothering
No response
Lisa: Is it something to do with your eomma appa I heard Na-u...
Jungkook: Shut up! Damn! What part of me not wanting to talk don't you understand!
Jungkook held her shoulders tightly with his strong hands and looked into her eyes with anger as he practically shook her.
Lisa: Jungkook your hurti-
Jungkook: We aren't friends! Stop trying to get to know me!
Lisa: Jungkook let go yo're hurting me please
Jungkook: Just because I talked to you a little you think you can just ask me anything! WE AREN'T CLOSE! And I will never be with some lowly poor gold digger girl like you understand!!
He said sternly.

He let go of Lisa without giving a second thought toward
the tear rolling down her cheek. He walked into the main office with his keys and slammed the door behind him. Lisa stood still. She started whimpering as she struggled to even breathe after what just happened.

Jungkook was inside looking for the parcel when the thought of his parent's divorce kept coming back. He didn't have anyone to talk to and didn't know what to do. His head slowly sinking into his chest. His surroundings getting hazzy and a cloud of loneliness all around him. He closed his eyes trying to hold back a flow of emotions but alas it was useless. Tears kept rolling down his cheek as his head pounded harder each second. He felt like he was loosing himself and didn't even realize when the sensation of loosing all consciousness drifted him into deep sleep.

***Lisa POV***
He slammed the door behind him as I stood still unable to say a word. Lowly? God digger? Is that how everyone sees me here? Does no one even notice my talent. Will my unnis not ever be able to debut because of me. Am I that bad..? The thoughts flooded my mind like an unleashed dam as my whole body trembled in the cold. All I had wanted to do was help him as a decent human being. I had experienced parent's separation and thought I could give him some advice. But the realization that he didn't want it came to me a bit too harshly. I had only felt the wetness on my cheek from the pouring tears as I realized a droplet of rain fall on my head. Even though it was summer the wether was already freezing outside and now it was slowly beginning to rain along with the roaring skies. Reality suddenly hit me and I went racing toward the front door. "Jungkook! Open the door it's raining! Jungkook!! Jungkook-ah open! Its cold out here! Jungkook-ah!" I yelled my heart out and pounded on the door as I waited for a response. No response...still no response. I yelled as long as my voice would allow it but sat without an answer. The rain was pouring down as my cold and drenched body wouldn't allow me to move. My voice gave up on me as I gave up on my partner. The harsh realization hit me. He doesn't care. Hes not a decent person. He doesn't care if im in the rain. He lets his anger get the better of him. He doesn't care that im outside. Unable to comprehend where I was or what was going on I found my shivers slowly getting the better of me. My vision got hazzy as my eyes slowly started closing. I felt the last droplet from my wet hair drip onto my skin as I began to loose consciousness. My body became still and soon my mind.

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