Chapter 11

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At the Camp~

Blackpink POV
Jisoo: Yah I feel so bad for leaving Lisa all by herself at the dorm. She just got released from the hospital this morning and we already have to be at work.
Rosé: Annya unni I gave Lisa everything she could possibly need for the day. Besides she's really not that badly sick anymore. She'll probably be back to the studio with us tomorrow.
Jennie: Yah. And Lisa is a strong girl! She'll manage. We should be more focused on the competition. We've had too many distractions lately.
Jisoo: Yah you're right. I almost forgot about that.
Jennie: Unnie I signed up for this video lesson from 11:00-1:00. I have to leave for that soon. You guys wanna practice a little before I go?
Jisoo: Ara...but video lesson?
Jennie: It's like a info lesson about training your body to get used to the choreos. Like kinda...its....oh forgot it.
Jisoo: .....yeaah you were confusing me. Ok whatever let's get some work done now. You have to leave soon anyway and then we can't practice the routine w/ 2 missing members.
Jennie: Ara!

Blackpink gets practicing their routine for AIYL ( Imagine Lisa isn't there )

Jennie: Ok guys I think I should get going. I don't even know where the screening room is so it'll take me time to find it. Anneong
Jisoo: Anneong
Rosé: Bye unnie!

Taehyung POV
Taehyung: Hyung I have to go. I'll catch up with you later.
Suga: Yah! You said you'll help me write this rap bridge! Where are you off to now?
Taehyung: Yah hyung I will! I promise! But I have to go for now. I went down to the clinic the other day because my arm muscles were hurting really bad. So the nurse said it could be b/c of our intense dances. Idk. She said it could get worse if I didn't take care of it so she forcefully signed me up for this video lesson class. Its like an informative thing on how to properly prepare for intense chores and....well...idk thats why I'm going.
Suga: Oh, ok I guess. But you better help me finish this portion later you promised!!!
Taehyung: ARASSO HYUNG ARA! Bye now!
After hyung's fussing I was already running late. So I raced down to the screening room. As if I wasn't late enough, I found a little surprise on the way.
Joy: OPPA!!!
Taehyung: Anneong Joy-ah
Joy: Oppa where are you going?
Taehyung: Umm to the screening room
Joy: OOH yes! A movie! OPPA I WANNA COME TO! Take me with you!
Taehyung:😑. Joy, its not a mo-
Joy: Aigoo! We'll be late lets go!

She pulled my arm and raced towards the screening room.
Taehyung: Joy-ah you know its not a m-
Joy: Aish oppa you talk alot! We'll disturb people! Lets go in!

As we were entering the room I thought I saw someone familiar. It was Jennie. Kim Jennie. Aish! Why do I keep running into her when I'm trying to avoid her! I had only begun to whine in my head for a second, when I realized I had much worse to be hateful for coming my way. It was Chaneyeol! That S*#%^+~%****! I always hated him, since the early days of highschool! But now this Park Chaneyeol was flirting with Jennie. Whatever! I don't care! It's not like I like her! But just as a good peer that looks out for his other peers I wanted to do something. It's nothing special I'm just that type of person to look out for my peers!

Jennie POV
I was just about to give up looking for this stupid screening room when I ran into this handsome stranger..Chanyeol. He guided me to the room and we started a nice conversation since we ended being a bit early. He is such a sweet guy! I love his voice! And oh gid hes so tall!!❤❤ I could litterly listen to him all da-
Oh lord I thought to myself! Why does he keep following me everywhere! And he frickin....frickin...female friend is just always here! UGHH! How irritating.

Author POV
The film started with Taehyung and Joy one side of the room and Jennie and Chanyeol on the other. Jennie and Taehyung avoided looking in eachother's direction to awkwardly avoid eachother's existence.
Jennie: Lol I thought there'd be more people here.
Jennie whispered to Chanyeol
Chanyeol: Yah. But I don't see that as such a down side.😉
Jennie looked away to keep him from seeing her blushing.
Taehyung tried his best to not look over but every now and then could barely help himself.
Joy: Oppa! What is this? I thought we were watching a movie? This is some boring documentary.
Taehyung: Joy-ah. If you'd let me finish talking I wouldve told you that this isn't a movie. It's a class. But you kept cutting me off.
Joy: Aigoo oppa! This is boring! I'm leaving.
Taehyung: Wait no don't!
Joy: Aww're gonna miss me that much? How cute! But sorry I really cannot sit through this movie!

Taehyung didn't necessarily care that much about her staying or leaving as he was more worried about being left alone beside Jennie and Chanyeol. But alas since Joy refused to listen, he awkwardly smiled at her and said ok since he had no other choice.

The time passed extremely slowly now that the movie kept getting more and more boring and Chanyeol and Jennie kept getting more and more close.

Chanyeol: (whispers) Ya. Your nose is getting red. Are you cold?
Jennie: Wae? No no. Oh I just- sorry I didn't reali-
Just then she noticed Chanyeol giggling
She shot him a glare and then hit his arm playfully as she smiled and then looked back at the screen.
Volcanoes went OFF inside of Taehyung, he was about to blow his top at any moment now, but he had to hold back.
Chanyeol: Oh shit..
Jennie: Wat?
Chanyeol: This Baek-, well my friend has gotten himself into a little situation...I think I might have to go.
Jennie: Oh...umm will he be ok?
Chanyeol: Yah don't worry! Its just that I hope I'm still getting credit for coming here since I've been here more than half way. Anyways see you around. Anneyeong!
Jennie: Anneyong☺️
Chanyeol's departure put Taehyung at partial ease but not nearly as much as it gave him high functioning anxiety.
The movie room was cold, the film got more and more boring by the second and there was only one other person in the room,loudly snifling, other than Taehyung and Jennie.
They had no choice but to ignore one another and the annoying sniffling or else they would have to acknowledge eachother's presence along with the loud noise.
It was an unofficial, unannounced awkwardness. Its not that they had a face to face fight, and its not that either one of them openly admitted to disliking eachother. They didn't have an exact reason for being hostile towards eachother, and yet they both knew exactly why.

HELLO LOVLIES!! Im SOOOOO SORRY I haven't posted in quite awhile. I had some issues come up so I could give time to this. Thank you so much for your love and support while I was gone. I will really try to be more consistent. HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY!

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