Chapter 10

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*BTS POV*Taehyung: Hyung you want rice for breakfast?Jin: No just make me some coffee

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Taehyung: Hyung you want rice for breakfast?
Jin: No just make me some coffee. I have a terrible headache🤕
Hobi: Speaking of headaches..where is Jungkookie?
Namjoon: Yah where is he? I thought the house was silent. Is he still sleeping?
Taehyung: Oh god is he out partying again?! I thought he stopped that! Wait hyung I'll text him.
Jimin: We've gotten into such a bad habit of not noticing his absence ever since his late night party faze. We just assume he's out without telling us and don't even check up even though he stopped this habit months ago. He could actually be in serious danger and we'd be here not knowing.
Jin: Yah stop're sounding mature and making me feel like an irresponsible mom now. Aish! Im the hyung I should know his whereabouts!

             At the Hospital
           *Jungkook POV*
Hours had passed since I brought Lisa here. I thought she would wake up sooner at first, but ever since Jisoo unnie told me the about her childhood, I can't help but think...

Suddenly *BEEP*
Text form Taehyung hyung
Taehyung: Yah Jungkook-ah! Where are you? Are you out partying again?!!

My heart suddenly started beating fast. I saw the text and realized I would have to tell atleast him what happened if not the others. The REAL story. I didn't know how the others would react but Taehyung hyung was my closest friend in the band so I had to tell him everything.
Jungkook: Actually calling you.
I called him and told him everything in detail before and after he blew up at me...for two whole different reasons.
Taehyung: JUNGKOOKIE I SWEAR TO GOD!! You just...! Im coming over there! Right now!
Jungkook: Wait hyung...umm..about the others...
Taehyung: Aish! Don't worry, I'll make up an excuse for now.

He hung up and withing a few minutes was here!
He came and started yelling at me and lecturing me again. I didn't care anymore, I already knew what I had done and was feeling so much remorse for it! His yelling was nothing to me now compared to the guilt I was already feeling.
After a couple minutes we sat doing and just thought about what to do next
or what to tell the hyungs later on.
Suddenly Jennie noona showed up. I didn't quite understand why but a shadow of awkward silence just surrounded us. Hyung and looked at eachother and then looked away. Should I say something to break the silence? 😕

                 ***Taehyung POV***
I was yelling at Jungkook just when I saw a figure from the corner of my eye. It was her....Jennie. I suddenly froze and didn't know what to say. We hadn't seen eachother or talked at all ever since THAT day. Aish! I can almost see the hatred in her eyes. I don't know why I was odly attracted to her. But after she left like that THAT day, I think she made it pretty clear she has no feelings for me. Momentarily I thought it was because she was jelous of me and Joy but....NAH! No way! She's at a rich kid camp so I'm sure she knows how it is between boys and girls who are just friends. We act like we're dating and get all up close, especially the girls (even though I don't like it) I just play along since thats the norm. I'm sure she has noticed by now how EVERYONE acts like that, they can't ALL be dating. So its pretty obvious she told me to take a hint when she walked out. Watever. I did have feelings for her....I kinda do hav feelings for her.....but, if this is how she wants it to be, so be it. I'm not gonna force my feelings on her. She can do as she pleases. As of now it's really awkward though. She's looking at me weird and not saying anything. Should I say do I do?!! Ottokhaje?!!

Jungkook: Noona...anneong..
Jennie: Huh? Oh Anneong Jungkook-ah. Jisoo unnie told me about what you did for Lisa. Gomawo!

            ***Jungkook POV***
I heard her say those words and froze in my seat. Oh god please stop please!
Jungkook: Haha ani I just...
Jennie: Its ok. You can take credit where its due.
Jungkook: About she gonna be..
Jennie: Ok?
Its like my heart stopped beating when I heard those words come out of noona's mouth. "Ok?" She asked in a glum tone. Was she unsure too? My face got more and more cold as the thoughts pervaded my mind and I patiently waited for her to answer.
Taehyung: Soo..?
Noona's expression turned less worried and more stern when she heard hyung's voice. Jennie she glared at him for a second and then said...
Jennie: Fortunately...yes
It was like music to my ears. SHE WAS OK??!!🙏🏼😭🙏🏼😆. I couldn't contain myself! I had been yearning to hear one of them say those words! YES! YES! YES!
Jungkook: Jinjja?!
I said in excitement
Jennie: 😊Yes! Wow Jungkook-ah its like you won an award. You seem so..
Jungkook: Happy?! Yes! I am...
I didn't even bother to conceal how I felt. I knew I would be shy about it later, but right now all that mattered to me was Lisa!
Jennie: Aish! I have a vocal session today. I badly want to stay and take care of her but....
Jungkook: Noona don't worry. I'm here. I'll take care of her.
Jennie: But you've been here since...
Jungkook: Noona its ok
I cut her off because I knew I wasn't worthy of the sympathy she was about to give me.
Just then...
Taehyung: Well....umm...if you're going back to the camp then I guess I could walk with you.
Noona looked at him expressionless
Jennie: Ara.
Hyung got up and awkwardly walked towards her as they headed towards the door. Is something going on between them? Why are they acting so weird since the beginning. Oh well! Their deal. I'll just stay out of it.

Noona and hyung left the hospital to go back to camp and I went back to mourning mode.

                 ***Author POV***
The doctor came out of Lisa's room and Jungkook raced towards him.
Jungkook: Doctor...umm is Lisa ok now?
Doctor: Oh yah! Better! I honestly was scared about what conplications would arouse after recieving her previous health records. But looks like she's doing quite well now. Her temperature is regulating and she should regain consciousness soon. You can go sit inside if you'd like Mr. Jeon.
Jungkook: Oh..yah..ok!

The doctor left and Jungkook slowly and quietly went inside Lisa's room as if he'd wake her up if he was too loud. He pulled up a tool next to her bead and stared at her. Suddenly his eyes began to well up. Without realizing how his emotions were overcoming him, he let a tear roll down his cheek.

Jungkook: Yah...maid girl...Lisa...wake up. Ok enough with your nonsense alright now wake up. God you do so much drama to get back at me. Yah! You've got your revenge alright! I've learned my lesson now........ Yah. Yah. Lisa...!
He called out to her as his eyes turned more red and he let more tears escape his self control. He cried more than he had ever allowed himself to as he slowly rested his head next to Lisa. His forehead touched one side of Lisa's arm with the needle in it. He turned his head to face her feet and looked at her lifeless looking hands. He gripped around Lisa's finger with the palm of his hand to warm her skin and slowly starting drifting off...

Sorry guys I know this chapter was a bit draggy but don't worry theres more😁. So what do you think will happen next? Keep reading to find out!😉❤❤

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