Chapter 9

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***The Next Morning***
Lisa slowly opened her eyes as she felt a sharp light on her face. Her first reaction was to cover her eyes and go back to sleep. But the moment she closed her eyes, now half awake, it struck
Lisa: *gasp*
She immediately turns around to see if Jungkook was still beside her.
Lisa: Oh...he's not there. Well, I guess he got over me soon enough. Watever, I dont even know how I would react to him after last night. Paboya probably wasnt even half awake when it happened. Well....good! I wouldn't know what to say to him if he actually was awake!
Lisa got out of bed, freshened up and went downstairs to get something to eat. She wasn't even fully down the stairs when....
Na-un: Haha Oppa Stop!!☺️
Jungkook: Yah! You know how much I missed you last night! I was dying
Na-un: Hahaha omg too! Your so cute!
Lisa:......😶 Not even a couple hours ago this asshole was cuddling with me and now look at him! *mocking tone* Hehehe oppa stop! Yur so cute!Na-un-ah I missed you hehe...UGH!😒
Lisa came down and sat at the dinning table. Seeing Jungkook and Na-un flirting with eachother the very morning after he had slept next to him made Lisa furious.
Lisa: What the heck is this guy?! Its not even that I like him...but how could a guy be so dual natured?! Doesn't even acknowledge my presence!! Ugh!
She thought to herself
Mark: Ok guys if you all are about done with breakfast lets get our things packed and out. We have to get back to camp soon.
Everyone: Arasso
Tae-min: Yah...if you two love birds are about done with the PDA then lets go!
He said sounding annoyed and clearly jealous.
Everyone went up to their rooms to get their things packed. Lisa, not knowing that Jungkook was aware of his actions last night, expected him to act like a jerk to her as always....And so Jungkook did.
Jungkook: Yah! Maid girl! Why are you so messy! God your things are ALL over the place! Can be less disgusting
Lisa: What the heck?! Wym??? I litterly have one thing on the is that ALL over the place?!
Jungkook: Whatever! Thank god this is over already! I was getting sick of being around lower class people!
Lisa: You Son of a-
Jungkook slammed the bathroom door as he went in
Lisa: Oh god this boy brings out the worst in me! I seriously hate him!

The team finished their last minute clearing and headed out the door to hike back to camp. Jungkook and Na-un were as usual flirting the way down as Tae-min gave them the jelous eye

Lisa: Thank god the hike is downhill this time! It won't take us even half the day to get back! YES! Im so done with these people! I need my unnies!
Soon enough Lisa and Jungkook's group reached the campsite along with some others.

Camp Counselor: Well well! I see lots of teams arriving right about now. Hopefully your night went well and you made some new friends!

Lisa: if!
Camp Counselor: While we're waiting for the other idols why don't you guys go ahead with your mandatory service hours. Yesterday you guys really did make a mess out here with all the plastic and the cans. Get cleaning so you wont have to do it later!
The idols all put their backpacks aside and picked up the equipment to pick up beach trash. Lisa was about to pick up her stick when...
Jungkook: Hey! Im getting that one! Move
Jungkook: Excuse me maid girl...? What did you just say?! How dare you-
Lisa: HOW DARE YOU?! Who the heck do you think your talking to?! And im not your maid so stop calling me maid girl!
Jungkook: Hah! You think just because you came to this fancy camp your the same level as me! In your dreams!
He snatched the pickup stick and left before Lisa could say another word
Lisa: Aghhhh!!!😡😖
***5 minutes later***
Lisa: Yah! Pick that up!
Jungkook: Excuse me?!
Lisa: I said pick it up! Cleanup doesn't mean pick what you feel like and leave the rest! Pick the can up
Jungkook: You li-
Lisa: Save it rich boy! Im not interested in you BS
***10 minutes later***
Jungkook: Haha! Omg look at the maid girl Mark! What is her hair even
He said it loud enough on purpose for Lisa to hear. Lisa had about enough of him so she chose to just ignore.
Jungkook: Lol! Look at her clothes! Gosh. Has she even heard of Gucci?!😂😂
Everyone laughs in a mocking way
***20 minutes later***
Lisa: Mr. Kim Im done with my side. Can I go now?
Counselor: Oh really? Ok then. Well done Lisa.
Jungkook from afar: Ooh look at me! Im maid girl and I get all my work done and get praised by the Counselors. Im so perfect wow!
Na-un and Jackson start laughing as the others follow
Mark: Oh god what a weirdo
Na-un: Ikr!

Lisa had almost decided to let it slide when she heard this. It was enough! She had had absolutely enough! She had to defend herself...say something.
Lisa: YAH! Jungkook! You asshole! Who do you think you are huh?! Making fun of me all the time and pocking on me! I swear to god you just-
Jungkook: Hah! ME? Yur funny! Who came up to me awhile ago going " pick up the can! i dont want to hear you BS! Blah blah!"
Lisa: Yah and who HAD to take the one stick I was going to get! You couldn't have gotten another one?!
Jungkook: No I-
Counselor: STOP IT!! You two stop it! I knew you two don't get along since the beginning but this is too much! You think because this is a camp you can do whatever and I won't get mad about it?! This is your last warning! If I see you two disrupting activities again it won't be good! Got it?.......*no answer* GOT IT?!!
Jungkook and Lisa: Arasso sir
Counselor: Good get back to work
Lisa gives Jungkook a stern look as she walks away
Mark: Yah Jungkook-ah! This girls got you in big trouble
Jungkook: Ik! Who does she think she is! I have to teach her a lesson
Jackson: Oh god this boy! Havnt you learned enough from the outcomes of your previous "lesson teachings"
Jungkook: 😏 Im hungry for more

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