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Carl's Pov

My life was perfect. I had everything a kid could want, a good family, a lot of friends, everything. The only thing I had to worry about was my grades. Of course that all changed when I bumped into her.

*Flashback: Second semester of second grade.*

"Hey, Carl. Come on man. You know how the teach gets if we're late." Alexander yelled down the hall over the crowd of students.

"I'm coming, Alex." I shouted back, running to catch up with him. Not looking where I was going, I bumped into someone. I looked down to see a girl I've never met. She looked up at me. Her bluebell eyes wide as she went to mutter an apology. Before she could, Alex decided to make the situation worse.

"Watch where you're going, nerd! This is the reason newbies like you need to be put in your place." he scoffed, kicking her scattered books across the floor and walking away.

Cluelessly, I followed him, but looked back shortly to see the girl picking up her books without any help. She looked up momentarily, after picking up her last book, to see me watching her.  She gave a small smile before she turned the other direction, walking to her class.

        *End of Flashback*

I never thought that a random stranger would become an aspect in my life. Let alone an important one. A random stranger that I thought I would probably never see again. I was wrong.

   *Flashback: Two days after the incident.*

"Dad? When is Shane coming over? He was supposed to be here by now." I asked, my dad about his best friend and partner on the police force. I had always looked up to him.

"He'll be here soon, Carl. He's bringing someone special for you to meet. And you have to promise you'll be nice cause she's gonna be around for a while." he said as I followed him into the kitchen, where my mom was cooking dinner. I sat down in one of the wooden chairs from our dining set.

"Who's coming with him?" I asked. Shane never brought guests with him to our Saturday night dinners. My dad turned to my mom with an amused grin. She smirked back while stirring the gravy for the homemade mashed potatoes.

"You telling him or am I?" Dad asked. I was beyond confused. 'What or who is the person Shane's bringing? And why is it making both of my parents grin like they've just got a new car?'.

"Go ahead, honey." she replied, looking at me, trying to hold in a laugh. Dad looks at me the same way before speaking.

"Shane's bringing his daughter." he said, allowing his snickers to release. I looked at him like he was crazy.  Shane did not have a daughter, or he never mentioned one.

"What?! You're-" I was interrupted by the front door opening and Shane's voice echoing through the house.

"Hello, hello, hello. Where's everybody at?" his voice travelled through the living room.

"In here, Shane." mom called out. Shane's tall and broad figure finally appeared in the kitchen doorway. He had a proud smile on his face. He walked over to my dad and gave him their normal bro hug, with a "Hey man.", then turned to me.

"Hey, lil man. You been good? You haven't planned any pranks on your old man have you?" he said, high-fiving me. I laughed at his face serious face. I nodded to answer his questions. Right when I went to ask him about his so-called "daughter", he turned around and looked in the doorway. I tried to see what, or better yet who, he was looking at, but my vision was blocked by Shane himself. "Come on, Sweetie. They're nice people. They won't hurt you." Shane spoke softly, a tone I had never heard him speak before.

I'm Not My Father's Daughter: Carl Grimes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now