❥Chapter 9

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Emily's Pov

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Emily's Pov

A few hours later, Carl and I were playing around and joking when Amy and Andrea walked up with a lot of fish on a line. Everyone immediately walked up to them, amazed by all the fish.

"Will you look at that? Hey, check it out. Ladies, because of you, my children will eat tonight. Thank you." Morales said to the two blondes. They both smiled in return.

"Thank Dale. It's his canoe and gear." Andrea said, as Amy took a sip from her water bottle. Carl walked up to the fish that Morales was now holding and poked a few. He smiled back at the rest of us and turned to his mom and I.

"Mom, look. Look at all the fish. Em, come touch one!" he said. I laughed at his excitement and walked over to him. I looked at Morales with an unsure face and he nodded his head as a way of telling me to go ahead. I touched a small brim and cringed at the slimy feeling. Carl noticed my expression and laughed, along with Sophia.

"Where did you two learn to do that?" Lori asked the sisters.

"Our dad." Amy answered, cheerfully.

"Can you teach me how to do that?" Carl and I asked in unison. We both gave each other a creeped out look while the group laughed.

"Sure. I'll teach y'all all about nail knots and stuff. If that's okay." Amy said, looking to Lori. The woman smiled at the girl.

"You won't catch me arguing." she said. Dale walked up to the group quietly.

"Hey, Dale. When's the last time you oiled those line reels? They are a disgrace." Andrea called out to the old man with a smile on her face. Dale seemed concerned, but not about the reels.

"I, uh, I don't want to alarm anyone, but we may have a bit of a problem." Dale said, causing dad to become alert.


From Dale's observations, Jim had been on the hilltop digging holes nonstop since this morning. Dale wanted someone with more authority to talk to Jim and see what was going on. Dad and the entire group walked up there. I saw nothing wrong with Jim digging, but it has been a hundred degrees today and he hasn't taken a break.

As we approached him, we could see that Jim was covered in sweat and dirt. It was starting to worry me. Because my mom was an EMT, I had a little medical experience from what she would teach me, and I knew that even the strongest man could get heat stroke.

"Hey, Jim. Jim, why don't you hold up, all right? Just give me a second here, please." dad requested to the digging man. The man stopped and wiped the sweat off his brow.

"What do you want?" he asked, leaning on his shovel's handle.

"We're just a little concerned, that's all. Dale says you've been out here for hours." Dad stated.

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