Chapter 2

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The whole cast and crew meets together as Kenny is about to announce something.

"Ok everyone, we have somebody back with us" he shouts through the bullhorn. "Give it up for, SARAH." We all look to see Sarah running in. "Oh my goodness, you're back" Dianne shouts. We all run up to her hugging her tightly.

"I missed you guys" Sarah says with a smile. "We know Jedidiah missed you" Dove says making us laugh.

"Guys, I'm just playing a character" Jedidiah says laughing. "So it looks like Audrey is back on D3" I say. "And I'm so happy to be back and reprise my role" Sarah says smiling.

"Alright everybody, I also wanna introduce you to three more people joining the cast" Kenny begins.

"Well there's gonna be 2 more VKs and 1 more AK. We're having the daughter of Mother Gothel and she'll be named Mindy Gothel. and the daughter of Captain Hook so we're bringing CJ Hook to life so Thomas, you'll have a 'sister'. The new AK is going to be son of Aladdin and Jasmine and his name will be Allan." he finishes.

"Ugh, why" Booboo says making us laugh.

"First for Mindy, please welcome Janel Parrish" Kenny says. We look to see Janel walking in.

"Oh my goodness!" I scream along with Dove, Brenna, Dianne, and Sarah. "WE LOVE PRETTY LITTLE LIARS" Sarah shouts loudly. "Happy to be here" Janel says with a smile.

"Next as Allan we have, Karan Brar"

"Hey buddy" Cameron says walking up to him giving him a bro hug.

"Lastly as CJ Hook, we have Sophie Reynolds." I watch as Sophie walks in and she immediately runs up to Cameron hugging him tightly causing me to feel a hint of jealousy and I have no idea why.

I look away not being able to watch them hug anymore.

"I see jealousy" Sarah whispers to me. "Jealous of Sophie? Please, I'm better than that" I say with a fake laugh. "Right. So you have no feelings for Cameron?" Sarah asks quietly.

I look back to see Sophie and Cameron talking and then quickly looking away again.

"If you say so" Dove says jumping in the conversation.

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