Chapter 19

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A/N: First I want to apologize to everyone. I promised that I would update last week but my wattpad was having some difficulties so I had a lot of issues going on. Now here is the chapter for you just as promised!

"What do you mean that you like Cameron?" I ask Brenna still confused about what is happening.

"It's been for a while now. I wanna talk to him but I don't know what to say. That's why I asked you because I know you guys are close friends and so I wanted some advice on what to say."

I stand there with a blank look on my face.

"I knew it" I whisper under my breath. "What was that?" Brenna asked me with a puzzled look on her face. "Look Brenna, I don't know how to break it to you but, Cam and I are officially dating now." I say whispering the last part.

"Excuse me." Brenna says stunned. "When did this happen?"

I stare into her eyes and immediately see the hurt inside. "A few hours ago. Brenna I'm so sorry I-"

"No!" Brenna says cutting me off. "You knew I liked him, how could you do this to me?" she asked while tears started to fill up in her eyes. "No Brenna it's not like that. I'd thought that you would be happy for me!" I said beginning to raise my voice.

"Oh don't worry Sofia. You're too old for him. It won't last long anyway." Brenna continues on.

"How could you say that to me!?" I say with my voice starting to crack. "Bren I thought we were close friends. Why would you ever hurt me with words like that" I shout. "WELL YOU SHOULD'VE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE CHASING AFTER CAMERON!"

And with those final words, she slammed the door in my face, leaving me standing there with tears streaming down my face.

I thought that out of all people Brenna would've understood but I guess I was wrong.

I walk down from her doorstep beginning to make my way back home. Halfway there, it begins to rain and I have no umbrella so now I'm getting soaked. "Just great!" I say out loud looking up at the sky. "When did my life suddenly begin to suck?" I say as I kick a rock.

Suddenly a very familiar car pulls up next to me and they roll the window down to reveal their freckled face.

"Need a ride?" he asks me with a soft smile.

Without answering I nod my head and then hop in the passenger seat next to him as he drives me home.

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