A Friends' Letter

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Thank you so much for reading! I might be changing this a lot but that just means I'm working hard on trying to make this story better for you guys!

Chapter 1

Meet the Family

"Hey mom, do I really have to go?" Tacana said putting her jacket on.

"You know that your education is important. Besides this is your last year of Middle School." Tacana's mom said making Tacanas lunch.

Tacana's mom's is one of the nicest people Tacana knows. Her name is Talia. She was your average work-at-home mom. She loved her kids and she takes care of them to the best of her abilities. She had long brown hair and hazel eyes. She normally wore a pink and white striped shirt with some black sweat pants. She was mainly the cleaner of the house but she does make her kids clean certain rooms.

"And how will you get into college if you are skipping school? Remember you have always wanted to be a doctor at Sammy's Hospital." A voice said from the other room.

"Your father's right you know. Plus, doctors don't skip work because they want to." Talia explained as she finished up Tacana's lunch.

Tacana's dad was a little stricter than her mom. His name is Don. He worked at a high-tech lab. He studied random objects that were found by people around the world. He had brown hair and blue eyes. You would normally find him in his lab coat or a weird green shirt with a logo of a soda on it and some light blue jeans. He was the cook and the Jokester.

"Hona! Aina! Ina! Time for you guys to go to school!" Talia yelled up the stairs and walking back to put the milk back in the fridge.

"Coming! I just need to grab my bag" Hona said running down the stairs.

Hona was eleven and in the sixth grade. She was Tacana's favorite sibling most of the time. Infact the were together so much that people thought they were twins when they were little. She goes to Middle School with Tacana. She had blonde hair to her shoulders and hazel eyes. She is wearing a skirt that goes to her knees and a pink flower shirt with fake diamonds. She was also the bad makeup artist.

"I need to go to the bathroom and then I will be down." Aina said shutting the bathroom door.

Aina was nine and in the fourth grade. She got on Tacana's bad side sometimes and she did anything to get attention. She had curly blonde hair and hazel eyes. She is wearing a butterfly shirt and some jeans. She was the cuddly one.

"Has anybody seen my shoes? I put them in the closet but I can't find them." Ina said with a little baby voice.

Ina wasn't really Tacana's favorite either, but she still had her moments with her. She was six and in the first grade. She has short curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore what seemed like a million different dresses. She was the also a drama queen. She would touch the ground and start freaking out about how cold it is.

"Tacana. Come get your baby sister in the car. I'm going to take everyone to school and pick up some more stuff for work." Don said handing Tacana a tiny child.

This one is one of her most loved sisters and the pickiest person of the family. Her name was Ana. She was two and she can't really speak real words. She has really short dirty blonde curly hair with blue eyes. She also wears what seems like over a million different clothes. She was the dare devil, but also funny at times. She was the Jokester Jr.

"Alright." Tacana said taking Ana and walking out the door. " Be right back!" She yelled to let her mom know she was out for a second.

"She's in the car." Tacana said coming back inside and closing the door behind her. " I got to go though. Or I'll be late to first hour."

"Alright. Here you go," Talia said handing Tacana her lunch," oh don't forget dance class is right after school with Mrs.Seni."

"I won't. I have my dance clothes on my bed ready to go."

"She is always prepared. Alright have a good day at school" Don said kissing Tacana on her forehead.

"Love you Mom! Love you Dad! See you later." Tacana said walking out the door eating a piece of toast.

And than there was Tacana. She is 13 and she loves to draw.She normally wears blue boot cut jeans and most of the times wears really baggy shirts. She loves her life and family and friends. Infact she tells herself that she is a normal teenager and others agreed with her. She always dreamed of having magical powers but she knew she was an average girl.

Or so she thought.  

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