Chapter 6 The Waking

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What happened? Where am I? Where is Nanu, Nalu, and Lilly? Why do I hurt so much?

Tacana woke up and tried to sit up but laid back down holding her side. " Ow! That hurt!" she said trying not to yell. She looked around. " Well it definitely isn't my room. It looks more like hospital room. But wh-" she said but got interrupted by the door opening and with clicks of shoes on the ground. "Hello?"

The lady looked over with surprise. " Oh. Miss Tacana, your awake. Stay here I'll go get the doctor."

She walked out without another word. Tacana laid looking at the door and than the ceiling. She was trying to remember what happened to get her there. She knew it had something to do with the wound on her side and a weird man. A few minutes of thinking went by and there was a knock at the door. " Come in!"

A tall man with red hair and a white lab coat. " Hello Miss Tacana. I'm Doctor Rain."

The Nurse was short with brown hair and blue highlights and the end. She was wearing a blue nurse suit. " And I am Nurse Joey. I will be taking care of you for most of your stay."

"Okay but um, how did I get here?" Tacana said wanting to sit up but not wanting to have a jabbing pain in her side.

"You and your friends were attack-" Doctor Rain started.

Tacana thought and remembered what happened as if it were a flash back."My friends? Are they okay? Where are they? Are they her-" She tried to sit up super fast but again she went back down in pain." Ow ow ow ow, why?"

Nurse Joey ran over to Tacana's side and helped her lay back down. " Careful. You are still healing."

"Your friends are okay. You took the most damage out of all of you." Doctor Rain said walking over to Nurse Joey.

"Yeah. Sadly Miss Nanu won't be waking up for a while. She is over stressed and just passed out at the scene. Mid sentence at that." Nurse Joey said sitting in one of the seats. " Your Mom and Dad were here not to long ago either but you and your friends were still asleep."

" So I just missed them?" Tacana said with a little bit of sadness in her voice.

Tacana, Nurse Joey, and Doctor Rain talked for a bit. Soon the had to leave to go check on her friends. Of course she was okay with it if it meant her friends were okay.

"Is there anything else I can do for you Miss Tacana?"

" Yeah. When my friends wake up, let me see them please."

"Will do"

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