Chapter 8 Reunited

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Tacana has been in the hospital for a few more days but she still can't walk. Today was a special day but Tacana didn't feel right.

" Man. I hate not having anyone here to talk to." Tacana said sitting up in her bed finishing writing a paper for her Science class. There was a knock on the door. " Come in!"

Nurse Joey walked in with a wheel chair.

"Where are we going Nurse Joey?"

"Your friend woke up and she is really scared so we are bringing you in to talk to her."

"Which friend is it?"

"Miss Nalu"

"Alright. Lets go."

Nurse Joey helped Tacana in the wheelchair and they went down the hall to a room with a few nurses and doctors.

"Why are there so many people?"

"Well since she was the last one that was hit she is the one with more information. She also had a few wounds that opened up when she woke up"

" Well if it is one thing she is scared of it's a big mass of people around her for reasons she isn't aware of"

" The room will clear out after we go in"

They turned to go in the room where Tacana saw Nalu shaking with big eyes under a blanket.

"Nalu" Tacana whispered to her self.

" Alright everyone. Clear out." Nurse Joey said walking through the crowded room.

Not a minute later had gone by and the room was almost empty. It was just Nalu, Tacana, and Nurse Joey.

" Alright. I have to go but I will leave you two alone for a bit."

" Thanks Nurse Joey."

Nurse Joey left the room.

"Who is there? Is it a cop?" Nalu said with her head under the blanket.

"Nope. Just a kid in a wheelchair." Tacana said

"Tacana? Is that you?" Nalu said looking out from the covers.

"Are you assuming my age?" Tacana said with a funny tone in her voice changing it to a diva voice.

"It is!" she said bolting up and out of the sheets but laid back down with a weird expression on her face.

" Was that a ' I'm in pain' face or ' I just ate a lemon' face?" Tacana said with a little laugh.

"Well I can't see my face so I do not know." Nalu said putting her hand on her wound.

"How do you feel?" Tacana said looking down at her own wound.

"I could be better. How about you? Have you heard from the others?"

"I am doing better than when I first woke up." she looked up at Nalu."The others are still asleep. You and I are the first to wake up. My nurse said that the others should wake up soon."

The two girls talked and talked. So much time went by that they didn't even notice it was sunset.

" I see. Well I think it is time for you to go."

"Why do you say that?"

"The same nurse that brought you here is standing at the door."

Tacana turned around and saw Nurse Joey at the door. " Hi Nurse Joey. Is it time to go already?"

"Yes, you have been in here for 30 minutes. You need to go and have your medications."

Nurse Joey said walking toward Tacana to take her back to her room. " Say goodbye. You can visit her tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright," she turned to look at Nalu," I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you then" Nalu said waving at Tacana.


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