Chapter 3 The School Day

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As the girls walked up the stairs, they were talking about just random stuff they could think of. Once they were all up the stairs, they split up to go to their classes. Tacana and Nanu went to the same class but Nalu and Lilly went to different classes.

" See you next hour Nalu, you too Lilly." Nanu said waving their direction as they split.

"Bye you guys have a good class." Tacana said also waving. " Come on Nanu or we will be late for class." She said turning around to walk to class.

"Alright." Nanu said

Nanu and Tacana had a silent walk down the hallway to their classroom. Their first class is Mr. Tin, Mrs.Tonlar, and Mrs. Carp. Mr.Tin's class was Tacana's favorite. She loved it so much because when she was in 6th grade, Mr.Tin helped her with her work and helped her stay caught up.

"Can't believe it's Thursday. This week has gone by fast," Tacana sighed," just like every week. Man I don't want leave this school. Can I be an eighth grader again? I mean it's only first quarter." She complained.

Nanu laughed. " I wish. High school sounds hard. So much homework!" She said folding her arms.

" Well have fun doing work" Tacana said as the girls split up to go to thier seats.

The class went on as it normally did. When the bell rang, Tacana went to Spanish class with Nalu, than Science with Nanu again, Launguge arts with Nalu and Lilly, than Lunch with everyone.

"Uhg, its only lunch time." Lilly said with her hands behind her head.

" At least it is half way though the day." Tacana said smiling while eating her hot dog.

"Yeah. At least you don't have to go home and do homeschool." Nanu said with a sigh.

"Hey Nalu. Is something up? You've been quiet." Tacana said

She was looking at a paper on the table with her hands in her long, black, wavy hair. All of a sudden, she shook her hands in her hair.

" Mr. Cam gave me a question that I can't answer!" Nalu said with frustration. " This is super frustrating!" She said almost putting her face in her food.

"Well what's the question? Maybe we can solve it." Nanu said leaning toward Nalu.

" It says ' If the cat has twenty three apples, but the dog has veinte bones, how many apples does the cat have'. I don't even know what 'Veinte' means!" Nalu said.

"Veinte means twenty. It's Spanish." Lilly said taking a bite of her corndog. " Doesn't your dad speak mexican?" She said.

"That's rasiced. And no, he speaks chinese." Nalu said.

" So can you solve the problem now?" Tacana said.

"Yeah. Just that word got me." Nalu said

The bell rang and the girls went to class. Nanu, Nalu, and Tacana had Social Studies. So, they went up the stairs to that class. After that class it was math. Only Tacana went that class at this hour. Last hour was Mr. Tin's class, and again she was alone this hour. After that and the bell rang. The girls met up at the seventh-grade hallway, like they did every day. As Tacana was walking down the hallway, she saw a little boy walk down the stairs. She has never seen him before. And she knew everyone, either they were friend or she just met them walking down the hallway. She stared at him for a bit. She finally snapped out of whatever she was in and started back down the hallway to meet up with her friends.

"Tacana! What took you so long." Nalu said as she yelled down the hallway.

"Sorry I saw someone and got caught." Tacana said finally at the group.

"It's ok. Now let's go home." Lilly said trying to hold Tacana's hand.

"Let's go!" Tacana said blushing while holding Lilly's hand.

And they all went home.

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