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I couldn't form words to scream out help to Rafael. Maybe he's dead and I don't even know. No one is here to save me.

"You're s-supposed to be dead," I couldn't breathe.

         "I lived. I have people every where. I had someone fix me up and get me out of the hospital. I lived. You looked so beautiful on your wedding night. You made a beautiful bride." He inched closer to me. I finally got up.

          "Cole why did you- you back off her right now!" Rafael raced down the stairs.

           "Or what? You couldn't do anything even if her life depended on it," he laughed. All I could see were stars. I got it together when Rafael stood in front of me.

I texted Liv that she needed to come over now.

"You don't get to hurt you. You will go to prison, and I will make sure you rot in there or die. I promise I will make you suffer." Rafael was trembling he was so mad.

"Sure you will."

"Why the fuck are you here? What more do you want from me?" Rafael was scared. I could hear it in his voice. I'm sure his father could too.

"I've been thinking about killing you, for a while. I've been thinking about it for so long, that when I think about it, it's not as satisfying as I thought. So I was thinking, and that pretty little girlfriend-"

"She's my wife. She's beautiful. She is not something you can treat like a toy," Rafael cut him off.

"She is though. She's just a pawn in the game of life. We are all living in it. Some are better than others. And I want you to suffer the rest of your life without her. I want her, so move," he pulled out a gun. I shut my eyes praying to a god I stopped believing in when his father took me.

"It's not my fault my mother kicked you out because you were such a goddamned awful human being. Maybe if you were a better person, things would've been different. But you're as bad as they come. You will be rotting in hell the rest of your life. I hope you have a miserable eternity," Rafael was so cold it scared me.

"Why don't you let her speak?" He asked.

"Because I will not give you that satisfaction. I will not let you come near here ever again," Rafael reached his hand back for me, instead, I rested my head against his back. He is my husband, and one of us might die today. My legs started going weak. One of us will die.

"She can speak for herself."

"Tia Colie?" It was Jessie. I turned around. Claire stood there frozen as she saw the gun pointed toward us.

"Jessie go back into the room," I found my voice.

"No! Tia no," she ran up to me. I shielded her behind me. I heard a car pull up.

"Maybe I'll hurt the little girl," I could hear the smirk in his voice. My body went numb. All of the things he did to me came flooding back to me. He will not lay a hand on her.

"You will not touch her, so help you god," I snapped stepping out from behind Rafael.

"No Nicole!" Rafael shoved me behind him.

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