Match and Call to War

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Luna's POV

"Present!" Mulan says standing up.

"Speaking without permission" the match maker says writing something down.

"Opps" Mulan says as she enters the building.

"Who spit in her bean curd?" I her Grandma ask mum and I refuse to laugh. The match maker enters the building slamming the doors shut behind her.  I hope Mulan would be ok as I stay knelled in front of the building with the other potential brides. Soon loud crashes, bangs and shouts were heard from the building. I could of sworn I smelt smoke. "I think it's going well" Grandma says.

Just the match maker runs out of the building with her arse on fire. "Put it out, put it out!" she shouts. My and the other brides stand and back away from her. Mulan appeared with a teapot and throws the tea all over the match maker. It puts the fire out, but it makes the match maker's make-up run.

Mulan gives her the teapot and walks over to us. Mum holds Mulan as the match maker storms over to us while I hold Grandma. "You are a disgrace!" she shouts throwing the pot onto the floor breaking it. "You may look like a bride, but you'll never bring your family honour" she states. She turns to leave before looking at me and looks me up & down. "What's your name girl?" she asks.

"Fa Luna" I say bowing my head.

"There is a doctor looking for a girl like you and you fit his description perfectly. Perhaps you'd like to get your family's honour restored" she states.

"I'd like to restore my family's honour" I tell her.

"Then I'll alert your future husband and send his details to your parents" she states before leaving us. Mum then guided us back to our horses so that we could return home. I know Mulan is upset, but she is no disgrace. She is the best sister in the world and would be a fine wife. Just men and the match maker are to stupid to see that. I'm sure I only got matched because of my looks. Everyone says I'm beautiful and am the most beautiful girl in the village. I notice how the men look at me, but I'm not ready to settle down yet.

I've been practicing medicine with our local doctor as a nurse. No way, I'd ever be allowed to be a doctor. No matter how smart I am, because I am not a man. I just hope my future husband will be a kind, gentle, fair, honorable and nice looking man.But not like I have a choice in the matter, it's up to my parents and future husband to decide if I marry him.

(Emperor's Place) Typhoon's POV

"You summoned me Uncle" I say bowing to my uncle who is a general in the army.

"Yes Typhoon, the Huns are attacking China and we need every available warrior. I know you stopped fighting after becoming a captain in order to become a doctor. But next to Shang you are our best warrior and Shang would won't no one else to fight at his side. Shang is about to train new recruits for battle and could use you calm mind" he explains.

"If it's what's for China, then I'll leave at once" I assure him. "But I was hoping to hear from the match maker soon" I add. "I've started to look for a wife, but was very specific in what I want. Someone with light brown hair, brown doe eyes, curvy figure, don't care about sons or daughters and just someone with a good heart" I explain.

"I'm sure the match maker will find someone, she is the best in all China. Now I must go see your cousin before heading to the front lines. Shang will expect you in three days time at the Wu Shu camp" he states. I nod my head and he leaves straight away. I sigh before leaving and mount my white horse before riding home to pack for war.

"Matchmaker, I was not expecting you so soon" I say when I see her at my house. I dismount my horse and keep a hold of his reins. "Can't talk long, I'm about to go to war" I tell her.

"I understand, just thought I'd let you know. I've found you the perfect bride, here are her details. I am giving yours to her parents tomorrow" she says handing me a file. I take it shocked, she'd found someone so quickly.

"Thank you, I'll look them over and get back to you on the matter when I return from war" I assure her. She bows her head before leaving and I return Lea to her stable. Before going inside and decide to have dinner before preparing for war. It also gave me a chance to look at my potential wife's file. She was indeed beautiful and seems to be just about perfect. But I'll meet her and her parents first, before making my final decision on whether I marry her or not.


Picture above of Typhoon and picture on the external link of the drenched match maker. Video above of Mulan's meeting with the match maker.

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