Becoming Warriors

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No one's POV

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No one's POV

"So where do we begin?" Jian asks captain Typhoon.

"I want to see your level of healing skills, then we shall do warrior training" Typhoon states. So Jian demonstrate his (her) healing skills. "Very impressive, you were a quick learner?" he asks and Jian nods his head. "Let's see if you are as a quick a learner when it comes to fighting" he says smiling.

They go outside and grad a staff each. Typhoon demonstrates the different forms and waits for Jian to master each one. Before having a sparring match together, which Typhoon won. "Not bad, but you still have much to learn" he states.

"What next captain?" Jian asks.

"Archery" he states and leads Jian to a clearing. "My cousin is teaching the other warriors this also. But I want you to hit the target with the arrow first, before trying it with the apple" he explains.

"Apple" Jian says confused and Typhoon demonstrates. "That's amazing" Jian states smiling.

"My cousin and I can do it with three arrows & three apples in one go" Typhoon states. Jian finds it difficult shooting the arrow and even making it half way to the target. "You need to work on your strength and hand to eye coordination" Typhoon tells him.

"How?" Jian asks and Typhoon leads him to a stream.

"Time to catch some lunch, watch" Typhoon instructs. Jian watches Typhoon takes his shoes off and enter the shallow stream. Typhoon watched the water carefully as Jian watches him. Then Typhoon catches a fish from the water and Jian claps. "Now you try" Typhoon states and Jian enters the water after removing his shoes. "Focus, patients wait for the right moment to strike" he instructs. It took a couple of tries before Jian caught a fish.

Together they caught a couple more before starts a fire to cook the fish. "Now you need to work on your strength, endurance and aim" Typhoon tells Jian. "Now that you have eaten we will work on the first two" he states. They grabs two staffs with bags tied on either end full of rocks.

"It's so heavy" Jian says straining to stand with the extra weight.

"You can do it focus" Typhoon tells him and Jian does so. Once he was standing with his load Typhoon lead him down the track. Afterwards they jumped over the fast water on rocks, which Jian found fun. Finally they did archery again and Jian finally hit the target. "That's enough for one day, go eat and rest" Typhoon orders. Jian bows before heading back to his and Ping's tent.

"You look beat" he states sitting down on his bed roll.

"Captain Shang hates me and all the other men were picking on me" Ping pouts.

"You just need to show them who is boss" Jian tells him. But it wasn't that simple and the next day Ping was told to leave the camp & return home. "I have an idea" Jian states and sneaks into the the captains' tent. He snuck out with the two heavy coins. "Use them and retrieve the arrow, I have faith in you" Jian tells Ping.

Ping becomes determine and tries it, but falls. But looking at the coins and pole, he came up with an idea. It works as he starts to successful climb the pole. Soon the other warriors in training arrive to egg him on. Just as Ping reaches the top and removes the arrow the captains exit the meeting tent. Ping throws the arrow down and it lands in front of them. They look up shocked.

Jian joins the others in training as Ping is allowed to stay. Everyone finally mastered their training. But only Ping and Jian were able to knock the captains off their feet. One day after training Ping went to have a bath while Jian stayed in their tent preparing some food. "Anyone home?" Typhoon asks from outside the tent.

"Give me a second captain" Jian calls straightening himself up. He exits the tent and bows to the captain.

"Jian, you have advanced far in your military training. But you need to get back to your healer training" Typhoon tells me.

"I agree, but I would like some time to train" Jian tells him.

"Agreed, we continue your healer training tomorrow at dawn" Typhoon states before leaving. Ping soon returns a mess and hardly eats dinner. Jian asks Ping what was wrong and laughed loudly at what had happened. The two warriors call it a night after a little play fighting.


Picture above of Mulan sitting on top of the pole and picture in chapter of Jian. Video above of the song I'll Make a Man out of you.

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