Secret Exposed

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Luna's POV

" I knew there was something wrong with you! A woman! Treacherous snake!" Chi-fu says throwing my sister into the snow.

"Her name is Mulan" I snap stepping in front of her sword drawn taking my hair tie out. Everyone looks shocked to see not one but two women had pretended to be men.

"We did this to save our father" Mulan adds.

"High treason" Chi-fu states.

"We never meant for it to go this far" Mulan and I state.

"Ultimate dishonor!" Chi-fu shouts.

"It was the only way" I tell him.

"Please believe us" Mulan pleads looking at Shang.

"Luna, step away from Mulan" Typhoon tells me gently.

"I won't abandon her and you aren't my father or husband. So have no say in what I do" I snap. "Anyone who wants to hurt my older sister goes through me" I tell everyone.

"Captain" Chi-fu says looking as Shang. Our horses are restrained as Shang approaches us sword drawn. I get in my defensive stance ready to fight for my sister. But drops the sword into the snow in front of us.

"A life for a life, my debt is repaid" Shang states. "Luna know that the only reason you're alive is thanks to Typhoon" he tells me before mounting his horse. "Move out" he calls.

"But captain..." Chi-fu starts to protest.

"He said 'move out'" Typhoon tells him sternly. Chi-fu then starts to leave with the others while Typhoon faces us. "Luna, I know it's not much. But here, this should keep you going before you reach your village" he states placing a basket of food in front of me. "This doesn't change how I feel about you" he adds.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"The first bath we had together, you couldn't look at me once. At first I though it was because I was your commanding officer. But as I got to know you more, I realized the truth. I figured you'd tell me when you were ready" he explains.

"Thanks for the supplies, maybe we'll see each other again one day" I say smiling.

"Of course we will" he says kissing my cheek before leaving on his horse.

"He's a good man" Mulan states as I walked over to her. To see her dressed now, still wrapped in a blanket.

"Yeah he is" I say nodding my head. "It's going to be a cold night, we'll set off first thing in the morning" I tell her.

"Thought I was suppose to be the bossy one" she says and we laugh quietly.

"You're hurt, let me take charge for once" I tell her. Then get under the blanket with her before deciding we should start a fire. "I'm going with Zeus to look for firewood" I state before leaving.

When I get back I see her looking over the cliff at the snow from the avalanche she'd caused. "What's wrong?" I ask her quietly after putting done the few logs I'd found. Just then I saw the Huns popping out the snow. They then started to head for the city. Mulan ran and grabbed her sword sheathing it. We mounted our horses.

"Home is that way" Mushu tells us pointing in the opposite direction of the city.

"We have to do something" Mulan tells him.

"Did you see those Huns? They popped out of the snow, like daisies!" Mushu exclaims.

"Are we in this together or not?" I ask him. Crikee tells Mushu something.

"Then lets go kick some honey buns" Mushu declares. "Yee ha!" he shouts jumping on the back of Khan behind Mulan. While Crikee jumps up behind me. We then gallop towards the imperial city. Where a parade is being held to celebrate the victory over the 'defeated' Huns.


Picture above of Luna and picture on the external of view seeing the Huns head for the city.

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