Epilogue: Wedding

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(Six months later) Luna's POV

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(Six months later) Luna's POV

"Are you ok?" mother asks me.

"I am fine mother, just nervous" I tell her smiling gently as she does my hair.

"Every bride is nervous on her wedding day" Grandmother assures me doing my nails and mum nods her head in agreement.

"It's not the wedding, so much the wedding night" I tell them.

"Typhoon is a good man, he will no doubt take it slow. I am sure if you aren't ready for that, then he'll wait" mother states.

"But isn't it a tradition?" I ask her confused.

"You and Mulan broke tradition when you joined the army. I think you waiting until you're ready will be fine" mother says as grandma chuckles.

"I want to do it, I want have children with Typhoon. But what if he doesn't want children yet?" I ask.

"Then you'd have to wait, once is all it takes to get pregnant" grandmother states. "Done" she adds finishing my nails as mother finishes with my hair. They then help me into my golden kimono.

"You look beautiful" mother says with tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry mother or I'll cry" I tell her. There was a knock at the door and grandmother goes to answer it while I hid behind the screen. "Who is it?" I ask.

"Your father" mother calls and I sigh stepping out from behind the screen.

"You are beautiful my darling daughter" father says hugging me gently. "We're ready for you, Mulan has everyone in their places" he tells me. Grandmother and mother leave the room. "I have something for you" father states. "Turn around" he instructs and I do so.

I feel him put a necklace around my neck. I look down and see jade beads along with a gold heart. Before he claps it at the back. "It's beautiful, thank you" I say hugging him again.

"We must go, or your sister will be angry" he states and we laugh quietly. We link arms when we reach the emperor's garden. He had granted us permission to have our wedding in his palace and would be marrying us personally. Typhoon and I are honoured by this.

We walk down the isle and I can't take my eyes off of Typhoon. He was dressed in a dark blue and gold kimono. His longish brown hair in a low ponytail. Father and I reach the end of the isle. He passes my arm to Typhoon telling him to take care of me. Before he goes to sit with mother and grandmother. Mulan stood behind my in her pink bridesmaid kimono while Shang stood behind Typhoon in his polished captain armour.

"Today we gather for the union of not only two souls, but two families" the emperor announces. "First the vows" he states turning to Typhoon first. "Li Typhoon, you are willing to marry Fa Luna as your wife, in sacred marriage together for life? " he asks.

"I do" Typhoon says looking into my eyes.

"Whether she has sickness or health, poverty or wealth, beauty or is plain, in good times and in bad, you are willing to love her, to comfort her, to respect her, and protect her?" the emperor asks him.

"I do" Typhoon says making me smile.

"And willing to be forever loyal to her?" the emperor asks.

"I will forever be loyal to you Luna" Typhoon declares bringing tears to my eyes with his honesty and sincerity.

"Fa Luna,you are willing to marry Li Typhoon as your husband, in sacred marriage together for life?" the emperor asks me.

"I do" I reply.

"Whether he has sickness or health, poverty or wealth, beauty or is plain, in good times and in bad, you are willing to love him, to comfort him, to respect him, and protect him?" the emperor asks me.

"I solemnly swear so to do" I declare.

"And willing to be forever loyal to him?" the emperor asks smiling.

"I will forever only be married to you Typhoon" I say looking into his eyes. We then drink from the sacred cup with our hands tied together by a ribbon. Typhoon kissed me passionately when we were announced man and wife. We then had the tea ceremony before having the wedding bouffant.

It was time for Typhoon and I to leave for our wedding night along with four week honeymoon. He wouldn't tell me where we were going as we sat in the carriage. "It feels strange not controlling the horse" I tell him and he chuckles.

"Have I told you how stunning you look?" he asks kissing my forehead.

"No, I don't believe you have" I tell him.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever meet, not just on the outside. But on the inside as well" he states kissing my lips gently.

"So you'll always love me?" I ask.

"Always" he states proudly.

"Even when I look like a whale carrying our future children?" I ask nervously.

"I'd love you even more then" he says holding me close as we pull to a stop. He gets out of the carriage first then helps me out. We were in front of a gorgeous house.

"It's beautiful" I state.

"It's ours" he tells me.

"Really?" I ask smiling brightly.

"Yes, it's a little big for two. But I think we can remedy that" he states pulling me close. Making me blush. "If you want to" he adds looking into my eyes.

"I want nothing more, then for us to start a family. What better time to do so then now. With no war or battles" I tell him. So that night we made love for the first time and did it more the once. I have never felt so happy and complete. As I do now laying in Typhoon's strong arms as we fell asleep together.

Third Person (Fa ancestor temple)

"One down, one to go" Fa Deng states smirking.

"Yes and soon Mushu will no longer be a guardian. I just pray Mulan marries sooner rather then later" the old female ancestor states.

"Shang has to propose to her first" the great ancestor reminds them. "But yes, once they married Mushu will be back to gong duty. So we won't have to take orders from him anymore" he declares. The ancestors cheer until Mushu appears demanding a bubble bath.

The End


Picture above of Mulan and Shang, picture in chapter of Luna in her wedding kimono. Picture of the house on the external link. If I get twenty votes on this chapter, then I will do a sequel based on the second Mulan movie. Hope to see you in the next story.

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