Saving the Emperor

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Luna's POV

We reach the city to see the victory parade had already started. With Shang and Typhoon on their horses walking beside each other. So we ride through the crowd towards them. "Shang/Typhoon" Mulan and I say pulling up beside them.

"Mulan/Luna?" they say shocked.

"The Huns are alive" Mulan states.

"They're in the city" I add.

"You don't belong here Luna and Mulan, go home" Shang tells us.

"Shang we saw them in the mountains, you have to believe us" Mulan tells him.

"Why should I?" Shang asks her and she pulls her horse in front of him.

"Why else would Luna and I come back? You said you trust Ping, why is Mulan any different?" she asks him. He doesn't answer her and walks around her and the others follow him.

"Keep your eyes open, we know they're here" I tell them. "Yay" Mulan and I say heading back to the crowd.  We continued to follow the others on horse back through the crowd. But Mulan jumps off her horse. "Where are you going?" I ask her along with Mushu.

"To find someone who will believe us" she states and I hope off of Zeus to follow her. We walk through the crowd trying to tell people. But we're ignored as the others reach the palace. The drums stop and the dong goes off as Shang presents Shan-yu's sword to the emperor. Suddenly a hawk appears taking the sword to a shadow on the roof.

It catches the sword and revels his face. It was Shan-yu. Just then the Huns rip out of the lion and grab the emperor dragging him inside. The others grab a statue and try to break down the door.

"They'll never reach the emperor in time" I tell Mulan. She gets an idea and we run over to the guys. "Hey, guys" I call while Mulan whistles and they stop to look at us.

"I have an idea" Mulan tells them. Chien-po, Yao and Ling drop the statue to follow us. We dress them up as women and changed into dresses ourselves. We then wrap a scarf around the pillars. Suddenly Typhoon and Shang join us wrapping their capes around the a pillar each. We all start to climb the pillars together.

We enter the palace to find a couple of Huns guarding a door. "Okay, any questions?" I ask the guys. Us in dresses would go first, then Typhoon and Shang will follow once we took out the guards. Then we save the emperor.

"Does this dress make me look fat?" Yao asks. Ling hits him and he says owe. We walk around the corner giggling fanning ourselves.

"Who's there?" one of the Huns asks and they notice us.

"Concubines" one says lowering an others sword.

"Ugly concubines" the one with the sword states.

"He's so cute" Ling giggles as one of the Huns waves at us. An apple fulls out of his dress, but he covers it up quickly. As the Hun who waved picked up the apple holding it out to him. We disable the Huns.

"Shang, Typhoon go" Mulan and I tell them. Once the Huns are tied up we run up the stairs. To see Typhoon and Shang fighting Shan-yu.

"Chien-po get the emperor" Mulan instructs.

"Sorry, your majesty" Chien-po says and picks up the emperor as Typhoon runs over to me. Leaving Shang to fight Shan-yu alone. Chien-po goes down the rope with the emperor first.

"Typhoon get my sister out of here" Mulan tells him. He picks me up and takes me down the rope next. Once we reach the bottom we look up as Mulan cuts the rope.

"No!" I shout as Typhoon holds me back. I watch hopelessly as Mulan fights Shan-yu on the roof. She trips him and stabs his sword into his pants leg. Keeping him stuck as a large firework headed their way. Mulan runs and jumps off of the roof as it blows up. She managed to land on Shang and they rolled down the stairs.

Typhoon and I ran over to them. I help Mulan up as Typhoon helps up Shang. The crowd cheers as we watch the fireworks. But Chi-fu has to ruin the almost perfect moment.


Picture above of Luna and picture on the external link of Chien-po, Yao and Ling dressed as women. Two chapters left, them going home and then an epilogue. I will up date asap.

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