Bath with the Captain

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Luna's (Jian's) POV

I woke up before dawn wanting to have a bath before my training with Captain Typhoon. I smile seeing Mulan asleep on her role beside me. "What are you doing up?" Mushu asks me in a whisper.

"I am going to have a bath, don't worry I'll eat an apple on the way" I assure him. "Besides no-one else is up at this time" I add. "Just make sure to wake Mulan for training and make sure she eats something before leaving the tent" I tell him.

"Don't worry, leave it to me and Cri-kee" he tells me. Smiling I grab my bath things and an apple. Before leading Zeus to the lake so he could have a drink and eat. While eating my apple and give him the core when we reach the lake. Even though I knew no one was awake I looked around before removing my clothes. Then enter the cool water submerging myself completely.

Before coming up and start to scrub my arms humming gently. When I heard footsteps approaching the lake. I sink lower to cover my chest before turning to the shore to see a shirtless Typhoon. "Captain, I wasn't expecting anyone out this early" I tell him in my Jian voice.

"Same here Jian, do you mind?" he asks and I notice his bath supplies.

I turn around blushing glad it was still dark and tell him. "Not at all, plenty of lake for the both of us". I soon hear splashing behind me and know he'd entered the lake.

"Glad I ran into you actually" he tells me.

"Oh why's that captain?" I ask him.

"Call me Typhoon" he states. "So you're related to Fa Zhou, correct?" he asks.

"Yes, he's my uncle on my mother's side" I lie.

"Then you know his daughter Luna" he says and I splatter coughing on some water. "You ok Jian?" he asks in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I assure him rubbing my throat. "How do you know Luna?" I ask him.

"Well you know how I told I was a doctor before the call to war?" he asks.

"Yes" I say nodding my head as I wash my shoulder.

"Well before the war I went to a match-maker looking to take a wife. The day I got the call to war she appeared with a file on a match for me. The girl's name is Luna the daughter of Fa Zhou and Fa Li" he explains. I gulp knowing my would be husband is behind me.

"So you what to learn more about my cousin?" I ask as casually as I can.

"Yeah, pretty much" he says. "Can you face me when we talk?" he asks. "It feels weird talking to the back of your head" he states.

"Of course" I say and turn to see him four feet in front of me. "So what do you want to know?" I ask him.

"What does she do? What is her personality like? Does she want children?" he asks.

"She was actually training to be a nurse when I left with Ping. Our doctor is getting old and I am suppose to take his place. Luna wanted to help me and has been training to be a nurse" I partly lie. "She loves children and definitely wants some of her own one day. She always looks on the bright side of things. Luna is Ping and Mulan's rocks" I tell him smiling.

"She sounds amazing" he says smiling and I blush.

"I guess so, but no guy ever takes the time to get to know her" I tell him.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"I am sure you've seen her picture, people say she is the most beautiful girl in the village. But they never try to get to know her and only see her as a prize to be won. Honestly, I don't think any guy will be right for her" I tell him.

"I wouldn't be like those men, I want to get to know Luna before deciding on whether or not I marry her" he tells me.

"If you do so, then you have mine and Ping's blessings" I tell him smiling broadly as the sun begins to raise. "Shouldn't we be getting ready for training?" I ask him.

"You are right, meet me at my tent" he says going to leave the lake and I turn my back.

"I will be there in ten" I assure him and I hear him leave. Once I was sure he was gone I called Zeus over. I grab the towel from his back and wrap it around myself. Once out of the water I dry my hair and get dressed quickly. I put my hair in the same bun as before. Then head to Typhoon's tent leaving Zeus at mine and Mulan's tent beside Khan.

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