Off to War

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Luna's POV

"Citizens I bring a blockumation from the Imperial city" he says holding up a scroll as I stand beside mother with grandmother. Mulan was still on the roof while we stand by the open gate. "The Huns have invaded China" he declares and we all gasp while I see a mother escort her child back inside. "By order of the Emperor, one man from every family must serve in the imperial army" he states before opening the scroll.

I knew where this was going and Mulan is not going to take it quietly. I just pray she does not upset father. "The Shao family" he calls and a young man steps forward taking a scroll from one of the soldiers bowing his head. "The Lee family!" the man calls and two people step forward.

"I will serve the Emperor in my father's place" the young man says taking the scroll. His father looks honoured as the messenger calls the next name.

"The Fa family" he says and father hands mother his walking stick and limps forward to accept the scroll. I see Mulan run from the corner of my eye and try to stop her. But I'm to late just as father said he was ready to serve the Emperor, she shouts.

"Father you can't go!" she shouts and blocks the soldier from handing father his scroll.

"I'll get her" grandmother tells me as I go to retrieve my sister.

"Please sir, my father has already fought for..." she starts to say. When the messenger appears in between her and the soldier on his horse. Telling her to be silent, more like yelling at her to be silent.

"You would do well to teach you daughter to hold her tongue in a man's presence" he tells father. Mulan looks at father for help as the messenger takes father's scroll from the soldier. Grandmother reached them after father told Mulan she had dishonored him. "Report tomorrow at the Wu Shu camp" the messenger tells him handing him his scroll.

"Yes sir" he says taking it before turning around. He limps past mother and I not taking his walking stick. Mulan follows with grandmother as he returns him. I wrap my arm around Mulan as we all go home. Mulan and I help mother prepare dinner & some tea.

(Dinner time)

We all sat at the table as Mulan pours the tea for us. After she does she slams her cup into the table breaking our silence. "You shouldn't have to go" she tells father as she stands up.

"Mulan" mother says in a warning tone, but that does not stop Mulan.

"There are plenty of young men to fight for China" she states and I agree there are. But I know better then to go against our father.

"It is an honor to protect my country and my family" he tells her.

"So you'll die for honor?" she asks him.

"I will die for what's right" he tells her as he stands.

"But you..." she starts to say and I grab her hand.

"I know my place, it's time you learned yours like Luna" he tells her. Mulan looks at him wide eyed before running from the room.

"Father, she only did they because she loves and cares about you. We all do" I tell him quietly before leaving to find my sister. I find her sitting on a dragon statue as it begins to rain. "Don't listen to him Mulan, he'll apologize before he leaves tomorrow" I assure her.

"He shouldn't have to go" she says looking at our house. I see the shadow of mother and father, she leaves before father blows out the candle.

"It's not like you can take his place" I tell her and her eyes light up. "No Mulan, if you get caught you'll be put to death" I tell her.

"It's the only way to protect father, are you with me?" she asks.

"We pray first" I tell her in defeat. No way I'd let her go alone, besides someone has to keep her in line. As well as make sure she is not late for training. We go to our family temple and pray to our ancestors before going inside. Mulan and I then sneak into our parents room where they slept.

While Mulan takes the scroll and places her comb down in it's place. I place a letter on top of it before we leave the room. We go to the room where father keeps his old war armor and cut each others hair. Lucky dad has two suits of army in the same colour as Mulan and I remove our dresses. Put on mans clothes after putting our hair in buns and do up each others armor. I place the scroll in my belt after we put one sword each on as father has two. Except mine is smaller and lighter then Mulan's.

We head to the stable and at first our horses feared us until they realized who we were

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We head to the stable and at first our horses feared us until they realized who we were. Once we saddled them we mounted them. Mulan then leads the way out of town towards the Wu Shu camp as it continues to rain. I pray my family stays safe and we make it back alive.


Picture above of Fa Zhou accepting his scroll. Picture in chapter of Mulan and Luna suited up in their father's old battle armor.

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